MUKTARI, Alhaji (Dr.) Adnan Sarkin Bai

MP, MFR CHIEF WHIP FEDERAL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He was bom on the 25th of December 1926 in Danbatta of the oldKanoprovince. Hisfather wasMohammaduAdnan who was Dokaji atBabura andSarkin Bai between 1942 and 1954 when he retired He wentto Danbatta Elementary Schoolfrom 1935 to 1939; Kano Middle School 1939 to 1944; ClericalTraining College Zaria, 1946 to 1947; Rapid ResultCollegeLondon (A Levels) 1954 to 1956 andattendedcourse on ParliamentaryProcedure andPractice in the UKin 1961forwhich be obtainedaDiploma. He startedwork as anAudit Clerk in the Colonial Office in Kaduna, Zaria and Kano between 1948 and 1950 before becomingAssistantAccountant in the KanoNA Treasuryfrom 1950 to 1953. He was appointed Distria Head of Danbatta in 1954 (to date) andMember Kano Emirate Council and Kingmaker. He artivelyparticipatedin the selection of Emirs of Kano Mohammadu Inua (1963) andAdo Bayero (1963). Meanwhile, he hadjoined the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) in 1953 and was ekaed under theparty to represent Kiru / Karaye Constituency in the FederalHouse of Representativesfrom 1954 to 1959. He was re-elertedto the Houseforthe 1959 to 1964 session this time representing Danbatta. He was again re-ekaed 1964 to 1966 when thegovernment was brutally sacked He was also the chairman of the KanoNPCfrom 1954 andNPCandChief whip in theFederalParliamentfrom 1957 to 1966. After theJanuary, 1966 coup he returned to Danbatta and resumed his Distria Headship untilhe was appointedCivilCommissionerof Education in the newly createdKano Statefrom 1968 to 1973. Heserveddiligently, until he voluntarily resignedfrom the Cabinettogether with AlhajiAminu Dantata. AlhajiMuktariSarkin Bai also servedas Chairman Kano State RuralElectricity Board 1974 to 1976; Member, State Primary Education Board 1978 to 1992 andMemberScholarship Board 1982 to 1987. He was conferredwith theMemberof the FederalRepublicMFRin 1982 andHonorary DoaorateDegree ofLLDby theBayero University 1992.
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