MUSA, Mallam Bello OFR, CFR

GENERAL MANAGER NNDC: FEDERAL PERMANENTSECRETARY Musa Belk was bom in Numan of the oldAdamawaprovince on 29th June 1936. He attended theNuman PrimarySchooland Government Colkge Zaria all between 1943 and 1954. AfterSecondary School, he took up appointment with Bardays Bank Yolafrom 1955 to 1957 when hejoined the AdamawaNA as Chief Accountant. He howeverwentforaone yearDiploma inAccountany course later in theyearatthe Institute of Administration Zaria andinAdministrative Studies in1958. HisfirstAdministrativeposting were asDOBida andMinna Divisions during which he ako servedas the Provincial EkaoralOfficerforthefederalekctions of 1959. Later, MallamMusaBelkservedin theembattkdTivDivision briefly beforejoiningthe PrimeMinister's Office in 1961. He returned to the North in 1962 and served in the Primer's Office in different administrative capacities. In 1963, he 'went on aperformance enhancingcourse in the U.Kafterwhich he was transferredto the Northern Ministry of Finance as PrincipalAssistant Secretary in 1965. Twoyears later, he waspromoted Under Secretary at atime the Ministry involvedhim in theaffairsoftheNorthernNigeria DevelopmentCompanyNNDC, andSecretary of the Committeeset up to review the operationalposition and methods of the company. Apparently .appreciative of ajob well done, Government appointed him substantive GeneralManager of the Company in February 1970 whik he was serving as PermanentSecretary in theNorth EastMinistry ofFinance. AlhajiMusa Belk reachedthe zenith of his careerin Oaober 1975 when he was appointedPermanentSecretary in the FederalMinistry of Finance. He serveddiligently in thatcapacity untilhefinally retiredfrom the service afterproving his mettk asanastuteAdministratorandBureaucrat. He has ako held many importantpositions of responsibility such as: Chairman, Board of Direaors, Federal Mortgage Bank 1979-1980; Chairman, Board of Directors, ICON Merchant Bankers 1987-1990; Chairman, Boardof Direaors, Habib Bank Nigeria 1995-1999, Member, NationalEconomicIntelligence Committee. He is aFellow Nigerian Institute of Management 1986, Officerof the Order of the Federal Republic OFR 1979 and Commander of the Orderof the Federal RepublicCFR 2001
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