MUSTAFA Dr. Shettima

CONSULTANT FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UN Dr. Shettma Mustafa was born on 26th November, 1939, in Nguru, then in the oldBorno Province of Northern Nigeria. He startedQuir'anic school in Nguru in 1944 at the age of 5years, and went on to Nguru Ekmentay School in 1946, the Borno Middk School in Maiduguri 1949-1953. Between 1954 and 1964, he served the then BornoNAfirst as Clerk in the works Department andlater as aDispensay Attendant after been trainedat the Dispensay Attendant Training School (DATS) Kano in 1955/56. When hisfather died in May 1956, He Eminence the Shehu of Bomo, UmarIbn MuhammedEl-Kanemi conferredthe tittk of Shettima on him. In early 1965, theyoung Shettimajoined the then BCNNKaduna where be was exposed to broadcasting andJournalism. Meanwhik, between 1964and 1966, he studied privately and obtained the GCE. Thk enabkd him togained enty into the A.B. U, Zaria in October 1967,first to do aPreliminay Science Course and subsequently went to do aB.Sc. After hisfirst degree in 1972, hejoined the Institutefor Agricultural Research, AB.U, Zaria as aTrainee cotton breeder. Shettima was at the University of Cambridge, UK,from 1973-1974 where be obtainedaPostgraduate Dipkma in AppkdBiology. From 1975 onward, he became the Head of the Fibres Breeding Section of the IAR as wellas Chairman of the nation's entire researchprogramme on cotton and otherfibres. He ako ledured and supervkedpostgraduate student at the A.B.U. From 1977-1978, he was atpurdue University, USA, as aVisiting Scholar, an opportunity he effectively usedto compkte work on his Ph.d He obtained his Ph.d atA.B.Uin December 1979. From Odober 1979, he broke into new grounds as he was appointed Commissionerfor Finance by the Government of AlhajiMohammadu Goni, despite whatseemed likeputting asquarepeg in around hok, Dr. Mustafa's handling of the State's Finance during difficult times ofpolitics was exemplary Dr. Mustafa resignedfrom the Government in Januay 1983 andplungedfully intopolitics. He eventually contested as the Vice Presidential Candidate and running mate of the Owelk of Onitsha, the Great Dr. NnamdiAsikwe, under the platform of the Nigeria Peopks Party (NPP) in the 1983general ekctions. He took uppart time teaching at the Univerity of Maiduguri between 1985 and 1986 when hejoined the FederalAgricultural Coordinating Unit (FACU). In 1989 be was moved to head the AgriculturalProjertMonitoring andEvaluation (APMEU). From 1987 to 1990, he was Chairman of tbe Governing Council of the Borno State Colkge of Agriculture. InJuly 1990 heproceeded to the University of EastAnglia at Norwich, U.K, Foracourse he monitoring and evaluation of Agriculturureprojects. He was appointedMinister of Agriculture andNaturalResources of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in August 1990. Since mid 1993 he has been offering consultancy services to some International Organisation like the World Bank, InternationalFundforAgriculturalDevekpment (LFAD), Food andAgriculture Organisation (FAO), UNDP. Etc. He was awarded the Nationalhonour of the Officer of the Federal Republic by the Obasanjo Administration and Commander ofthe Order ofthe Niger (CON) by the Gen. Abubakar Government. He was deeply involved in theformation of thepeopks Solidarity Party, which merged with otherAssociations and Formed the SocialDemocratic Party (SDP) in 1991. He served as the National Convention Secretay of the UNCP in Odober 1996 in Owerri. He served as thepioner National TreasurerPOP an assignment he discharged withgreat sense of responsibility. Dr. Shettima Mustafa has served as Chairman of the Board of Savannah Bank Pk,from April2000 to August 2001. He ako cheered orparticipated in several important committees andPanek such as Presidential PolicyAdvisoy Committee (PPAC) he was ako Chairman of the Presidential Visitation Panel to the University of Agriculture, Makurdi 1999. Atpresent, Shettima is the Chairman of the PresidentialNational Tree nursey Development Committee.
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