MUSTAFA Mallam Monguno Muhammed

NORTHERN MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE MuhammedMustaphaIsma'eel'Monguno was bom in 1919 andstartedschoolataratherearly age ofatthe Monguno 'Elementary School In 3years, he was already able to write inthe Kanuri vernacular. Hethen wentto Bomo Primary School in 1929 andspent ayear in the school before itwas converted to amiddle school in 1930. Hehadthe privilege of becoming one of thefirst batch ofpupils to leamphonetics under the then Wa^iri of Bomo SirKashim Ibrahim. Mustapha's working careerstartedimmediately he leftschoolin 1935 in theBomoNativeAuthority Treasury where he was employed as an Accountant. Hisfirstyear there made asignificant change in the office as he changed the Arabic task register into English. Hewas however only therefor oneyearfor he waspromotedassistant Chief Scribe in 1936 and transferred to the central office then known as the Wasjri's Office. There too he spent only oneyearfor the Bomo Native Authority in 1937 wanting to start aprinting department sent him on a six-month training atthe Government Press in Kaduna. Hepassed out therewithflying colours and on his return was made assistant Chief Printer. Shemonths later, he became the Chief Printer. In 1951, he won aBritish CouncilScholarship to studyPrinting Technology in Bristol, England which he again completed with distinction. Mustapha Monguno remained the Nwi. Chief Printer till 1956 when contested and won election into the Northern House of Assembly under the NPC representing Chad Thatsameyear, he was appointedParliamentary Secretary, Ministry ofNaturalResources. Ayear later, in afull-fledged Northern Cabinet Mustapha Isma'eelMonguno was appointed the North'sfirst Minister of Agriculture. Again, herperformedhis duties with distinction andremainedin the cabinet till 1966 when thegovernment was brutally sacked in asenseless coup. After the coup, he returned to Maiduguri, headquarters of the newly created Northeastern State and was appointed Distria Head of Yerwa. ThefrrstNA trained Printer and first Northern Minister of Agriculture diedof illness in 1975.
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