NDA, Ubong S

Broadcaster, PR Practitioner, Director of Protocol, Govt House Uyo.; LGA: Onna; Born: Sep. 26 1958; Pa: Samuel J. Nda (d) and Jenny S. Nda; Married to Christian Ubong Nda; Education: Lutheran High School., Obot Idim , 1972-76 University of Calabar, 1977-81 , BA; Uni v. o f Ca labar 1983- 87, M.F. A (Radio-Telev ision Wolfson College, University. of Cambridge, Britain, April Ju ly, 1992, Press Fellow; Other Qualifications: Professional Courses include Basic Production Course-FRCN Training Sch., Lagos; Senior Producers' Course, (Mounted by the British Counc il) in Owerri; Career and Work History: Programme Prod ucer, NTA, Ka no 1981- 82; Programme Producer, NTA, Calabar, 1982: Princ ipal Senior Prod ucer, Cross Rive,r Radio 1983- 92; Corporate Affairs Manager, MFC Savings and Loa ns Ltd. 1993-94; Director of Protocol, Govt. I-louse, Uyo I 994-Present; Career Related Activities and Responsibilities : Production and Presentati on of Programmes at NT A Calabar, NTA Ka no and Cross Ri ver Radi o, Ca labar 198 1-88; Programme Planning Production and presentation Radio Akwa Ibom Uyo, 1988-1992: Mr Nda is a reputable master of' ceremon ies; S pecial Work Related Achievements: Parti c ipated in the formulation of initial Programmes for Rad io Akwa Ibom -FM: First Head of Production, Compering major State Ceremonies; Publications: Press Fellowship Thes is on: "Broadcasting To Further Rural Development In Niger ia" . Two radio plays: "THE FIST and "A SLIM CHANCE". ; Awards/ Recognitions: NAA KISSS Golden Award by the National Asscn of AKS Students. 1993; Young Achi evers Award by the Uyo Youth Counci l, 1992; Profess iona l Mcmbcl"ships : Mem., N igerian In stitute Public Relatio ns (N I PR).; Religious Affiliation: Christian; Hobbies: Church activ ities, Reading(especia lly biographies), Discussing; Office:: Gov!. House., Wellington Bassey Way, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State,. Home: 71 Obio Imo Street, Uyo, Tel: (085)2 00509.
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