Executive Producer, Crackbond Produc tions, 3, Birrel Avenue, Sabo, Lagos; (01) 860149. Formerly: Editor, Broad Street Journal, 1988-90; Producer, Prime TV, 1985-87; News Correspondent,' NTA, 1980-84. Education: Advanced Dipl. Journal ism &Public Relations, School ofJournalism, Berks UK, 1978; PG Dipl. Int'l Relations &Diplomacy! NIIA, Lagos, 1980. Distinction:Best student in Afri can and world politics, NIIA. Major productions handled: OPEC Under Siege, 1983; Race Against Time, 1987; Two YearsofECOMOG, 1992. Member: NUJ. Born: September 26, 1958. Hobbies: Football, squash, reading, writing, dreaming. Address: Box 5934, Surulere, Lagos.
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