Nwala, Prof. Ezebunwa Ogbueri Ajoku

Born August 5, 1937; Educa tion: EtcheCentralSchool,Okonwko/ Egwi/Umuanyagu, 1945-52; Baptist Boys High School, Port Harcourt, 1956-60; HolyGhost College, Owerri, 1961-62; Fourah Bay College, Free town Sierra Leone, 1963-67; Univer sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 1967-78: The Ohio State University, Columbia, Ohio USA, 1969-7^Qua lifications: B. A. (Hons) University of Durham 1967, M. A. University of Ottawa 1969; Ph.D. Ohio State University; post-graduate certificate in Development Planning, University College, London 1977; major field of specialisation - geography. Work experience: Pupil Teacher, Niger Delta Diocese 1954-55;Tutor County Gram mar School, Ikwere-Etche, 1963;Asst. Professor of Geography, Tennessee State University, Nashville, USA, 1971-1972; Asst. Professor ofGeography and Urban Planning, First University, Nashville, USA, 1972-73; Principal Town Planning Officer, River State Ministry of Lands and Survey, Port Harcourt, 1973-75; Acting Chief Town Planning Officer, 1975-78. Member, Rivers State Chieftaincy Inquiry Committee, 1975; Rivers State Housing Corporation Port Harcourt, 1973-75; Rivers State Land UseCom mittee, 1976-78: Rivers State Utility Board, 1975-79. Publication: several writings in professional and scientific journals; Deputy Chief Whip and secre tary NPP cancus in House of Reps Chairman Water Resources Committee House of Reps: member Committee on Housing Urban Development and Environment, House of Reps; member, Association of America Geographs; International Geographical Union, Re gional Science Association; Nigerian Geographical Association; Rotary In ternational; Port Harcourt Union; PH Christian Council Project; Hobbies: gardenning and farming. Elected mem ber for Ikwere-Etche II Rivers State in Houseof Representatives.
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