NWANZE, Dr. Emmanuel Andrew Chukwuedo

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; lecturer, biochemist; b: January 15. 1949; p: Uromi, Edo State; ht: Asaba; Iga: Oshimili; so: Delta; m: Victoria Chibuzo Nwanze, August 24, 1980; nc: four s, one d; ed: Council School, Sapele, 1960-61; Loyola College, Ibadan, 1962-66; University of Ibadan, 1968-72; University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K, 1972-76; cr: Lecturer II, University of Benin, 1976; Lecturer I, 1978; Snr. Lecturer 1981; prof. Biochemistry, since 1987; Visiting prof. Karolinskas Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985-86; University of Milan, 1990-91; Head, Department of Biochemistry, 1987-89; 1991-94; Dean, Faculty of Science, 1994-96; 1996-98; mm: New York Academy of Science, 1995; Nigerian Conservation Foundation; Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Science Association of Nigeria; Society of Ncuroscientists of Africa; International Brain Research Organisation, since 1995; University Sub-Committee, Postgraduate Affairs; Senate Committee, Sale of Handouts, 1999; Senate Committee. Inaugural Lectures, 1999; mem.University of Benin Appointments and Promotions Board Review, 2001; ch: Panel of Inquiry, Illegal Occupation of Hostel Accommodation, Hall III, 1992-93; 1991-93; Panel of Inquiry, Stealing of Drugs, University of Benin Health Centre. 1995; University of Benin Appointments and Promotions Board, Academic Appeals. 1996-97; Estate Works Division, since 1996; Parttime Programme Management Committee, 1998; Appointments and Promotion Board, 1999; Hall Master, 1993-95; ch/v-c. Representative, University of Benin, Faculty of Engineering, Appointments and Promotions Interviews, 2001; f: Yale University, 1974; Swedish International Seminars, Physics and Chemistry, 1985; Third World Academy of Science, Trieste, Italy, 1990; Associate Editor, Tropical Freshwater Biology; Steering Committee, African Congress of Lipid Researchers; ee: University of Uyo, 1992; University of Ibadan, 1997; University of Nigeria. Nsukka, 1997; University of Nigeria, Enugu, 1997; Co-ordinator, World Health Organisation, Lipid/Lipo Protein Standardisation Programme. 1987; Referee, Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Science; West African Journal of Physiology; West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research: Nigeria Journal of Biological Science; ah: Government Scholar, University of Ibadan, 1968-72; University of Warwick, 1973-76; publ: Fatty Acid Profiles of the Lipids of S.Filicaulis, J.Pharm. Med.Science vol.2; pp. 221- 215, 1978; An Efficient Lipoxygenase assay, gle J. Chromatog, pp. 202, 313-316, 1980; Relationship Between Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Indirect Haem Agglutination Tare in Chlamydia Infection, Nigeria Journal Physiological Science, vol.10, pp. 50-55, 1994; Biochemical Studies on Toxicity of I, I-Dimethylo 4, 4-Bipyrimidilium Dichloride in the Rat, Comparative Biochem and PhysioI.voI.117: 1, pp.103-109, 1997: Preliminary Studies of Biochemical Mechanism of Insecticide Induction of Cataract, J.Nigeria. Opt. Assoc, vol.6, Nol, pp.3.1-37, 1999; Biochemical Deficits of Contemporary Ecotoxicological Determinations in the Niger Delta, International Journal of Environmental Research. Vol.2, pp. 1-4, 1999; Preliminary Studies on Biochemical Mechanism of Herbicide Induction of Catararct, Journal of Optometrist and Dispensing Opticians Board of Nigeria vol.1, No.l. Pp. 20-24, 2000; sc: presd. Uniben Senior Staff Club, 1983-85; Benin Club; hob: lawn tennis, table tennis, environmentasl issues; off: Office of the Vice Chancellor, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State; tel: 052-600556; ext.2179; e-m: [email protected].
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