NWUNELI, Ndidi OKonkwo

B.Sc, MBA, economist, strategic and multinational management consultant; EDUCATION: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1992-95; Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston, MA, USA, 1997-99; CAREER: Summer BusinessAnalyst, McKinsey & Company,New York, NY, USA, Summer 1994; BusinessAnalyst,McKinsey&Company, IL&Johannesburg, South Africa, 1995-97;LeadConsultant,The Center for Middle East Competitive Strategy, The West Bank, Summer 1998; Lead Consultant, The Ford Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria, Summer 1999; Associate. McKinsey & Company, Chicago, IL, USA, 1999-2000; Pioneer Executive Director, The Fate Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria, 2000-01; Manage and Launched Making Markets Work for Harvard Business School; Founder/Managing Partner, African Alliance for Capital Expansion (AACE) Inc., Lagos, Dakar, Monrovia, since 2002; Strategy and Policy Formulation, Technoserve/Humanity United, AACE, Monrovia, Liberia, since 2002; Strategy and Policy Formulation, Oxfam International, Dakar, Senegal, since 2002; Strategy and Policy Formulation, The International Finance Corporation, Kigali, Rwanda; Ministryof Education, Federal Government of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria; The World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA, since 2002; Start-Up Support, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar(UCAD), Dakar, Senegal; The African Center for Economic Transformation(ACET), Accra, Ghana; DFID & The Ford Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria; Harvard Business School's Making Markets Work, Cambridge, MA, USA, since 2002; Founder/.C.E.O, Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability and Professionalism (LEAP)Africa, Lagos, Nigeria, 2002-08; Founder/Director, Leadership, Effectiveness,Acawntabilityand Professionalism (LEAP)Africa, Lagos, Nigeria, since 2008; Others Include; Founder/Director NIA; Founder/Director. LEAP Africa; Nigeria Chairperson, Africa Leadership Initiative; Director, Tax Assistance, Chicago; Founder/Co-Chair of the Annual African Business Conference, director Women Thrive, Washington DC; Member of Committee for the University of Lagos' Entrepreneurship Programme, 2005; Member of Goveming Council for the University of Ibadan's Programme for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2006; Facilitator, Policy Commission on Governance & Institutions,2006-08; director The Aart of Life Foundation, 2005-08; director Chike Okoli Foundation, 2006-08; director FATE Foundation, Nigeria, 2000-05; Member of the Presidential Committeeon National Cultural Center, Abuja, 2005; Advisor, Ministry of Youth Development, 2005; Member, Technical Committee for the 2005& 2006 Nigerian Economic Summits; Member, Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Sub group for the 2001 Nigerian Economic Summit; mm: Member, International Leadership Association, since 2004; Award: Recipient, Albert A. Berg Scholarship Award for academic achievement; Selected for the Friars and the Onyx Senior Honor Societies for Outstanding Leadership, 1992-95; Recipient, Harvard Fellowship, and the National Black MBA Association Graduate Scholarship award for Outstanding Academic Achievement; National Honour: Member of the Federal Republic(MFR), 2004; Selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum,Davos, 2004; Selected as a Global Leader of Tomorrow Harvard Business School's Africa Business Club's Excellence Award, 2007; Selected as Young Manager of me Year by THISDAY Newspaper, NigOT'a, 2005; Recipient of Awards from JCI; Rotary, Christ Church; anda range of other non-profit, faith-based and Youth Organizations in Nigeria; publ: Articles on Leadership, Management and Ethics have been Published in Under the Tree of Talking (Founded by the British Council), Journal of Convergence, Farafina, Business Day,the Guardian and Business in Africa Magazine, 2003-07; Author, Walking ForGod in the Market Place, 200S; Lead author, Defying the Odds: Case Studies of Nigerian Companies that have Survived Generations LEAPAtrica, 2006; Editor/CoAuthor, Get on Board: A Practical Guide to Establishing <$ Sustaining High-Impact Boards of Directors, Farafina, 2007;She has equally attended several training programmes suchas: Harvard Kennedy School &The Forum of Young Global Leaders, Cambridge, USA in Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21" Century, 2008; The Desmond Tutu African Fellows Programme, Cape Town, South Africa, 2006; The Executive Seminar in the Aspen Institute, Aspen, 2004; etc; Social Club: presd., Penn African Students Association; mem., Penn Gospel Choir, The Accounting Club,NAACP and the BSU; v-presd., Faculty and Students Affairs for the African Business Club, International Liaison for the African American Student Union; Publicity Chair for the Christian Association; Clinton Global Initiative University, New Orleans, USA, 2008; New York, 2007; 45* Commission for Social Development, United Nations, New York, 2007; African Business' Leaders Forum, South Africa, 2004& 2006;in Ghana, 2007; Nigerian Economic Summit, 2005 & 2006; Women's Leadership in Philanthropy Panel at the Paving the Way Conference, 2001; and over 100 other conferences, workshops and seminars; res: 259 W. Goethe, Chicago, IL 60610, USA; c-m: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tel:221-
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