NZIMIRO, Prof. Ikenna

D.Phill, Ph.D, anthropologist, born July 23, 1927, Oguta, Imo State; married Bridget Idenu Nwobi 1953, five sons, six daughters; Edu cation: Sacred Heart School, Oguta, 1933- 37, St Martin's School, Ihiala, 1938, St Cyprian's School, Port Harcourt, 1939-40, Christ the King College, Onitsha, 1942-46, University College, Leicester, England, 1956-58, University of Cologne, West Ger many, 1959-62, University of Cambridge, England, 1962-66; Career: Appointed Re search fellow, Institute of African Studies, University ofIbadan, Ibadan, 1963-64; Lec turer, University of Lagos, 1964-65;Lecturer, UniversityofNigeria, Nsukka, 1967-81; ap pointed Professor of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Port Harcourt, since 1981 member, Presidential Advisory Committee (PAC), since 1985; Visiting Pro fessor, Departmentof Anthropology, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York, USA, 1973-74; Visiting fellow, United Nations In stitute for Economic Research and Develop ment (IDEP) Dakar, July-September, 1974; Guest Professor, Institute of Ethnology, Free UniversityofBerlin, April-September, 1978; member, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1966; Executive member, Nigerian Anthropological and So ciological Association, since 1971 and its President, 1975-79; Vice-President, Interna tional Union of Anthropological and Ethno logical Sciences, 1973-78 and Executive member since 1978; member, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Commission on Ethnocide and Genocide, 1974-81; Secretary, Onitsha Branch, defunct National Council of Nige ria and the Cameroun, 1947-50; Adviser to the Regional President, 1949-50; also an ac tive member of the Zitist Movement 1946- 50, Propaganda Secretary and later Secre tary, 1947-48; President, the Zikist Movement, 1948-50, member, Central Committee, Zikist Movement, 1949-50; Executive Com mittee member, Third World Forum, Karachi, since 1975; member, Society for International Development, New York, since 1977;mem ber, Trade Policy Research Centre, London, since 1977; member, World Association of Federalists, Amsterdam, since 1977; Direc tor, International Juche Institute, Tokyo; Di rector/Chairman, African Committee on the Study of Juche Idea; Honorary life member, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, since 1987; Political Parties: member, defunct National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroun; member, un registered Socialist Working Peoples Party, 1958; Publications: FamilyandKinship' in Ibo Land: AStudyinAcculturation Process, Gerd Wasmund, Cologne, 1963; Studies in IboPoliticalSystems, Chieftaincy andPoli tics in Four Niger States, Frank Cass, Lon don, 1972; University Autonomy and other Essays, Caxton Press, Ibadan, 1977; The Green Revolution in Nigeria or Modernization of Hunger, Zim Pan African Publishers, Oguta, 1985; Studies in Nigeria Class For mation Vol. I, Feudalism in Nigeria: AStudy of Pre-Colonial State Formation in Nigeria, Zim Pan African Publishers, Oguta, 1988; TheSocial Sciences and Endogenous Devel opment, UNESCO, Paris, 1980; Economic and Social Effectsof Military Arms Build Up in Nigeria: Implications for National Development, UN Publications, New York, 1980; TheCrisis in the Social Sciences: TheNige rian Situation: Third World Forum Educa tional Paper No.2, Mexico 1977; Babangida Men: the making of Ministers, 1985-92; Hand Book: Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Zim Pan African Publishers, Oguta, 1993; Being an Anthropolo gist:APortrait through LifeHistory, Oguta, Zin Pan African Publishers, 1988; Hobby: swimming; Official Address: Department of Sociology, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; Home: Profes sor Villa, 5, Umuahia Street, Oguta, Imo State; Telephone: 083-420-270.
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