OBALEYE, Prof. Joshua Ayoola




B.Sc, Ph.D.; chartered chemist, FRSC, academic; b: July 3,1954;ht: Ilesa; so: Osun; m: Mary Odunayo Daramola, 1984; nc: three s, two d; ed: Apostolic Primary School, Igbogi, Ikoyi, 1960-62; GTTC Demonstration School, Ilesa, 1963- 66; Jehovah Nissi African Primary School, Araromi Ilesa, 1967; Ilesa Grammar School, Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria, 1968-72; 1973-74; Union University, Jackson, Tennessee,3801, USA. 1975-77; Texas Women's University, Denton, Texas.76204, USA, 1978-81. He attended various international courses in U.S.A., Venezuela, India and others, cr: Assistant Chemistry Tutor/Researcher, Texas Woman's University, 1978-81; Research Fellow, Gerhart Owen Industries Limited, through Texas Woman's University, 1980-81; Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University ofCalabar, Cross River State, 1981-82; Lecturer/ Co-ordinator, Department of Chemistry, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Federal University ofTechnology Akure, Ondo State, 1982- 83; Lecturer/Head ofDepartment, Adeyemi College, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ondo Nigeria 1983-87; Senior Lecturer, Chemistry Department, University of Ilorin, 1987-92; Head, Chemistry Department, University ofIlorin, since 2002; aprof. Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, 1993-96; Visiting Snr. Lecturer, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1994-95; prof, of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, since 1996; Visiting prof. Chemistry Department,' University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe, since 1998; mem. University ofIlorin Senate Research Committee; Senate University of Zimbabwe, since 1998; National Electoral Commissioner in charge of Abuja, Kogi, Kwara And Niger State, since 1998; mem. Editorial Board, Bioscience Research Group; Benue State Family Support Trust Fund, since 1997; Ilesa Grammar School Old Students Association, 1968-72; Chemical Society of Nigeria; Science Association of Nigeria! Division of Florine Chemistry, Alpha Theta Chapter. Phi Delta Gamma,World Federation ofScientists; American Chemical Society; Division ofInorganic Chemistry, USA, New York Academy ofScience; Royal Society of Chemistry; Consulting Editor, Bioscience Research Communications; Editorial Advisory Board, Biokemistri Journal; Visiting Scholar, Institute ofChemistry, Academia Smica, Mankamg, Tarpel, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1999-2000; mm: Senate representative, Library and Publications Committee, University of Ilorin; ee: Chemistry Department, University of Ibadan, Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso, Usmanu Dan Fodio University, Sokoto; Polytechnic, Offa, (SLT programme) and other Colleges of Education. h: Who's Who inScience andEngineering, U.S.A., 2003-04; Nominated as an International Scientist of the Year, 2003 and 2004 and recipient of many International Awards; f: Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC); ah: UNESCO Award to attend second chemistry sub-net work Regional Seminar, Faculte de Sciences et Technique, Abidjan, Cote d' Ivoire; World Federation of Scientists Scholarship to attend International School on Space Chemistry at EMCSC Erice, Italy; Honour Phi Delta Gamma; Ph.D programme, Texas Woman's University; Honour Valedictorian, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee USA, Money Award and Waiver of Tuition fees, publ: co author, Pentafluorophenylbromine Vtetrafluoride. Inorganic Nuclear Chemical Letters, Vol. 16, 1980; Co-author, Pentafluorophenylchlorine HIdifluoride, J. Fluorine Chemical Vol. 16 No. 6, 1981; co-author, Pentafluorophenylchlorine 111 difluoride, J. Fluorine Chemical Vol. 18 1981; Co-author, Cyclic Imides, 13: An Analysis of the experimental dipole moments of five membered Cyclic imides in I, 4 - dioxane solution, Journal of Organic Chemistry Vol. 49, 1984; The Synthesis of Pentafluorophenylchlorine V tetraflouride. Journal of Teacher's Education Science Division Vol. No. 2 1985; Preparation and Characterisation of C F CL Journal of Science Association of Nigeria Vol. 23 Nos. 1 and 2, 1989; co-author. Synthesis and Characterisation of some metal complexes of vitamin C, 1992; co author, Effects of somenovel ascorbic acid-metal complexes on selected bacterial andfungal species. Journal of Sciences, I.R. of Iran Vol.5 (4) 1994; Inhibitory effects of some inorganic boron trifluoride complexes on some micro-organisms. Bioscience Research Communications Vol. 1, 1989; Assorption spectra. Photobleaching effect and stability constant of bis-(pyridyl) magnesium tetrabenzoporphin. Bull Chem. Soc Ethiopia 4(2), 1990; Synthesis and characterization of some metal-vitamin C complex. Bull Sci. Assoc. Nig. Vol.17, 1992; Charge transfer Photochemistry of cis-and trans-potassium dioxalatodiaquachromate (III) trihydrate. Bull Sci. Assoc Nig. Vol.17, 1992; Synthesis and characterization of some metal complexes of vitamin C. Synth. React. Inorg. Met-Org. Chem. Vol.22(7), 1992; Synthesis andcharacterization of copper (II) andzinc (II) complexes of ascorbic acid. International Journal of Chemistry VoI.4(2), 1993; Effects of some novel ascorbic acid-metal complexes on selected bacterial andfungal species. Journal of Sciences, I.R. of Iran. Vol.5(4), 1994; Synthesis characterization and antimicrobial activity of cobalt (11) andnickel (11) complexes of acetyl derivatives or ureaandthiourea. Indian Journal of Chemistry. VoI.34A, 1995; Synthesis characterization of Transition Metal Complexes of (1-Cinnamyl) and(l-Benzyl)-2,4- Diaza-1, 3-Butanedione. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia. 11(1), 1997 and so many others, including a number of articles in journals and papers presented in conferences; sc: Foundation mem. Roots Club, Ilesa; mem. Ilesa Grammar School Old Students Association, hob: reading novels, scientific journals, athletics and table tennis, off: Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Kwara State; e-m: [email protected], res: Prof Obaleye's House, Behind the Mosque, Monsudu Tanke University Road,or B.K 19Odo -Agbede Street, Ilesa, Osun State
Gender: Male
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Profession University Lecturer
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