OBASI, Dr. Obasi Erem




MB, BS, politi cian dermatologist, born January 1, 1935; married Margaret Efioanwan Nyong 1969, twosons,one daughter; Education: Ohafia Central School, Ohafia, 1943-47, Hope Waddell Training Institution, Calabar, 1948- 52, Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha, 1953, University College, Ibadan, 1958-65, University of Newcastle, Upon Tyne, University of London, 1972-75; Ca reer: Appointed House Officerand later Se nior HouseOfficer,LagosUniversity Teach ing Hospital, LUTH, Lagos, 1965-66; Senior House Officer Medical Registrar, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, 1967- 69; Medical Officer,Arochuku General Hos pital, January-May, 1970; Medical Registrar, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospi tal,Zaria,1970-72; Registrar (Dermatology), Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, UK, 1976-77; Lecturer/Consultant Physician and Derma tologist, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Kaduna, 1977-78: Senior Lecturer/ Consultant Physician and Dermatologist, ABUTH, Kaduna, since 1978;member, Brit ish Medical Association, 1972; member, Royal College of Physicians, UK, J976; fel low, Royal Society o/Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1976; fellow, Nigerian Medical College of Physicians, 1'982; fellow, West Af ricanCollegeof Physicians, 1986; member, African Association for Dermatology, 1986; fellow, Royal College of Physicians; fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, 1987; Publications: numerous sci entific papers in national and international medical journals; Hobbies: photography music, gardening, farming; Official Ad dress: Department of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Kaduna; Telephone: 062-213-855; Home: No. 10, Kabala Road. GRA, Kaduna: Telephone: 062-242-498.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Politician , Dermatologist
Working Experience
Last Update

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