OBI, Prof. Ignatius Ugwudike




B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; university teacher; b: August 28, 1941;ht: Odochi, Aboh Lilu; Iga:Ihiala; so: Anambra; m: Mabel Angela Ogechukwu, 1981; nc: one s, one d; ed: St. Charles' Lilu, 1948-51; St. Mary's Orsumoghu, 1952-53; Abbot Secondary Grammar School, Ihiala, 1956-60; Stella Maris College, Port Harcourt, 1962-63; University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 1965-75; cr: School Teacher, Nigeria Secondary School, Nnewi, Anambra State, 1961, 1964-65; Research Assistant in Maize Breeding and genetics Laboratory, Department of Agronomy; University of Illinois USA, 1968-71; Graduate Assistant Fellowship in Genetics for Disease Resistance, Department of Plant Pathology, 1971- 74; lecturer II, Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1975-78; Lecturer 1, 1978-81; Senior Lecturer, 1981-85; Visiting f: Cornell University, Itacha, New York, USA, 1982-83, in the Biochemist Unit Under Prof. W.T Federr; Reader and aprof. University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1985-89; Visiting Lecturer and prof. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 1988; Head, Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka, 1992-95; prof, since 1989, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, since 1997; ee: College of Agriculture, Ikwo, 1984; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, ch. Faculty of Agriculture Postgraduate Studies Committee, 1985-88; mm. coordinator and Chairman, Research Group, UN/KU, Leuven Linkage Programme on all season farming, 1985-89; ch. Department of Crop Science Senate Research Grants, 1986-96; ee: Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, 1988-91; ch. Faculty of Agriculture Senate Research Committee, 1988-96; mem. Senate University of Nigeria Nsukka, 1992-95; Reviewer, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection; Reviewer, Samaru Journal of Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; Associate editor and Assessor, Journal of Agricultural Technology, National Board for Technical Education, Kaduna; mem. Committee on the Establishment of University of Nigeria Nsukka Community Bank Limited, since 1992, mem. Board of Directors, since 1993; ch. Department of Crop Science Publication Committee, 1978-80; presd. General, Lilu Development Union, Lilu, Ihiala Anambra State, since 1997; Dean Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1997/98; mm: New York Academy of Sciences, Nigerian Society of Plant Protection, Science Association of Nigeria, Agricultural Society of Nigeria; Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Advisory Committee on University of Nigeria Nsukka Endowment Fund, 1997-98, Agricultural Sub-committee on University of Nigeria Nsukka, Energy Centre, Agricultural Sub-committee of Transition Implementation Committee (TIC) of Anambra State, 1999; Associate mem. Institute of Corporate Administration, A Distinguished Service Merit Award for Academic Excellence, 1998; Genetics Society of Nigeria; ah: Best Student Recognition and Award, Abbot Secondary Grammar School, Ihiala, Anambra State, 1958; Best Student Recognition and Award, Stella Maris College, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; Student Recognition, Students Day; Dean's List, University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 1970,Gamma Sigma Delta, Society of Agriculture, Urbana- Champaign, Illinois, Chapter 1974, Listed in Grand Edition ("Who's Who") of the Dictionary of International Biography 20; Cambridge. CB 3QP, England, Listed in the Profile of African Scientist Book, 2 Edition, 1991. Listed in Who's Who in Ihiala Local Government Area; tt: Ozo title, Eze-Obioma, Obinwerege, Eze- Ezinwanne, 1990. publ: Maize - Its Agronomy, Disease, Pests and Food Values, Optimal Computer Solutions Publishers, Enugu, 1986, Fixed and Random Treatment Models in Analysis of Variance for Balanced Designs, Star Print and Pub. Co. Enugu, Statistical Methods of Detecting Differences Between Treatment Means, SNAPP Press Enugu, Revision Model and Answers in theoretical Biology for S.S.C Examinations, Optimal Computer Solutions Ltd, Publishers, Introduction to Factorial Experiments for Agricultural, Biological and Social Science Research, Optimal International Ltd, Publishers ; and several publications in learned journals, sc: Treasurer, Senior Staff Club, University of Nigeria Nsukka, 1989; President, 1990-91, Designed and Built Children's Park of the Club and Reorganised the Financial Management of the Club for Proper and Easy Accounting; mm: Lilu Charity Social Club of Nigeria, hob: poultry, off: Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, res: 716, Ukuta Close, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Gender: Male
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Father's Status N/A
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Profession University Lecturer
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