OBI, Professor James Oseloka




MB, Ch.B, BAO, MD, Paediatrician, born January 23, 1934. Asaba, Bendel State; married Justina Onochie 1962, three sons, two daughters; Education: Government College, Ibadan, 1949-53, Skerry's College, Edinburgh. 1956-57, University College, Dublin, 1957-63; Paediatrician and Head, Department of Paediatrics, Specialist Hospital, Benin City, 1971; Consultant, Child Health, since 1971; Lecturer, Child Health, University of Benin, 1971-76; Senior Lecturer, University of Benin, 1976-79; associate Professor, 1979-81; ap pointed Professor of Child Health, University of Benin. 1981; Visiting Physician. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. 1982; Head, Department of Child Health and Direc tor, Institute of Child Health, University of Benin, 1983-86; Medical Consultant and Ad viser to Botswana Government, SeptemberNovember 1985; Trustee. Chief Sunny Odogwu Educational Endownmcn!Fund. Asaba, since 1986; Honorary Consultant, African Health Consultancy Services, 1987; Association of Commonwealth Universities Scholar, 1966-68; Ciba-Geigv Travelling Fellowship, 1982; Pfizer Travelling Fellowship, 1982; member. Japanese Society of Child Neurology; member. International College of Paediatrics, 1975; fellow, Nigerian Medical College of Paediatrics, 1975: fellow. West African College of Physicians, 1975, fellow, International College of Paediatrics, 1983; Executive Council member, Common wealth Association for the Mentally Retarded and Developmental Disabilities, 1985; Chair man for Developing Countries, International College of Paediatrics, 1987; Traditional Title: Ogbueshi Akwukwochukwude of Asaba; Decoration: Justice of Peace, 1987; Hobbies: football, cricket, reading, travelling; Official Address: Institute of Child Health, University of Benin. Benin City; Telephone: (052) 200214 extension 4190; Home: Quarter B12, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Bendel State;Telephone: (052)242268,
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Paediatrician
Working Experience
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