ODIGBOH, Engr. (Prof) Emmanuel Uchechukwu




B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., FNSE, FAS, FA; university teacher, agricultural engineer, b: January 5, 1940; ht:Uruagu, Nnewi; so: Anambra; m:Kate Nkemdilim Ifeacho, 1967; ne:three s, four d; ed: St John's Catholic School, Odakpu, Onitsha, 1949- 50; St John's Catholic School, Uruagu, Nnewi, 1951-54; Bishop Shanahan College, Orlu, 1955-59; St. Patrick's College, Asaba, 1960-61; Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 1962-66; Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvanian,USA1971r74 .cr: asst. lecturer,University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1966-70; ag.Head, Agricultural Engineering Department 1970-71; Lecturer II, 1970-74; Lecturer I, 1974-76;snr. Lecturer, 1976-78; prof. Agricultural Engineering 1978; assoc. Dean, Faculty of Engineering 1978- 80; Head, Agricultural Engineering Department 1980-82; Dean, Faculty of Engineering,' 1982-84; Head, Agricultural Engineering Department 1987-90; ag. Deputy v-c. Academic, 1989; Faculty Administrator/Dean, Faculty of Engineering, since 1995; Research Rheologist Mand MMars, Hackestown, New Jersey, USA 1974; Editor, Nigerian Journal ofTechnology, 1976-80; national treasurer, Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1978-80; dir. Anambra State Agricultural Development Corporation, 1979; national presd. Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1980-82; mm: Study Group on Nigeria's Industrial Policy, 1984, Anambra State Development Advisory Committee 1985; ch: Senate Curriculum Committee, University of-Nigeria, Nsukka, 1985-86, Senate Scholarship Committee, 1987-92, Court of Governors, Anambra State University of Technology, 1989-91, Board of Governors, National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization, 1994; ch:Board of Governors, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Secondary School, 1994-97; Adviser to Federal Government of Nigeria on Agricultural Mechanization matters, since 1976; Co-operating editor, Journal of Agricultural Mechanisation inAsia, Africa and Latin America, since 1978; mm:Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria Visitation Team for National and International Accreditation of Engineering Institutions, since 1979; Institutional Co ordinator, UNESCO's African Network for Scientific and Technological Institutions, University of Nigeria Nsukka, since 1980,UNIDO Consultation Group on Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Industry in Africa, since 1982, ch: National Technical Committee, Standard Organisation of Nigeria on Agricultural Engineering Standards, since 1984, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Nsukka Branch, since 1990, University of Nigeria Consultancy Management Board, since 1997; mm: Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria, 1977; f:Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1985, Nigerian Society of Engineers, 1991; Foundation f: Nigerian Academy of Engineer 1997, Academy of Science 1998; mm: American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1972, Euro-African Association ofAgricultural Engineering Centres, 1982, Association for Advancement of Agricultural Science •'.» Africa, 1982; Knight ofSt. John's International, tt:Ife-elo, Nnewi Community Association, Nsukka, 1990* nh: 1990NSE/DSC National Engineering Merit Award, Nigerian Society of Engineers Merit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Nigerian Society of Engineers, 1997. fh: American Society of Engineers Kishida International Award, 1981. publ: Challenges of Indigenous Design and Development of Agricultural Machinery; Proceedings of Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1978; co-author, Mechanical Devices for Peeling Cassava Roots in Small Scale Processing and Storage of Tropical Root Crops, Westview Press Boulder, Colorado, 1979; co-author, A Cassava Harvester: Design Analysis and Prototype Development .Journal of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 13(3), 1982; co-author, Cassava: Production, Processing and Utilization. In Handbook ofTropical Foods, Marcel Dckker, Incorporated, New York andBasel, 1983; 1983, pp 145-200; 1987; co-author, A Computer-based Measurement and Control Systems for Fermentation Process. ASAE Paper No.87-6057, Baltimore, MD,USA; 1991; co-author, A two row Automatic Minisett Yam Planter. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 50 ppl89-196, 1991; co author, Agricultural Development and Mechanization in Africa. NAMA Newsletter 1(3) 1991. cw: Design of Continuous Process Cassava Peeling Machine, 1974; Design of Automatic Cassava Planter 1977,82-86; design of'Egusi'(Melon) Shelling Machines-Industrial/Domestic, Patented, 1979; Design of cassava Harvester, 1982-87; Design of Bitter-Leaf Processing Machine, 1990; Design of Yam Planter, 1985-88. hob: walking, reading, debate, singing in a choir, off: Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, tel: 042-771911- 50. res: 1,Mbonu Ojike Street, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State. tel: 042-7716/76.
Gender: Male
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Father's Status N/A
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Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer
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