ODUGBEMI, Prof. Tolu Olukayode




ODUGBEMI, Prof. Tolu Olukayode; B.Sc, MBBS, Ph.D; university teacher, medical practitioner; b: January 30, 1945; p: Ado-Ekiti: m:Titilayo Omolola Ala, 1973; nc:two s. two d; ed: Emmanuel Primary School, Ado-Ekiti, 1951-54; St. Stephen's Primary School. Ikare-Akoko, 1954-57; Christ's School. Ado-Ekiti, 1958-64; College of Medicine, University of Lagos. 1966-72; School of Hygiene. University of Toronto. Canada. 1975-76: University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield, England, 1976-78. cr: Science Teacher, Okeigbo/Ifetcdo Grammar School. 1965; Demonstrator, Microbiology and Parasitology Department, College of Medicine. University of Lagos, 1970-73; House Officer, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, 1972-73; Snr House Officer, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Lagos University Teaching Hospital. 1973-74; Registrar. Department of Microbiology and Parasitology. Lagos University Teaching Hospital, 1974; Lecturer Grade II. Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, College of Medicine. University of Lagos. 1974-76; Hon. Consultant. 1976; Snr Lecturer. 1979-83: Guest Researcher, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Laboratory Programme, Centres for Disease Control, Atlanta. Georgia, 1982-83; aprof. 1983- 84; prof. University of Ilorin, 1983; Foundation prof/Head. Department of Microbiology and Parasitology. University of Ilorin, 1983-85. College of Medicine, University of Lagos. 1984; prof/Head. Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology. College of Medicine. University of Lagos. 1985-88; College Dean. School of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine. University of Lagos, 1994-96; Provost, College of Medicine, University of Lagos. 1997; mm: American Society for Microbiology, 1979;Date;Vice-President, National Postgraduate, Nigeria College of Medicine. 1999-Date; fellow. West African College of Physicians, 1979: fellow, Nigerian Medical Council in Pathology, 1980; member. Royal College of Pathologists, UK, 1984; member, American Society for Micro biology; f. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; UK; member, Nigerian Medical Association; Examiner, fellow ship in Pathology and member of The Court of Examiners, West African College of Physicians, 1985-86; member, The World Health Organisation Advisory Group on Hospital Acquired Infections (Nosocomial Infections), 1986; member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1992; Chairman, Research Committee, West African Health Community; Assistant Treasurer, West African College of Physicians. 1987; Chief Examiner. Laboratory Medicine, West African College of Physicians; since 1986; fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science, (FAS), 1997 mm. Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, African Union against Venereal Diseases and Trepanomatoses, foundation presd. Nigerian Venereal Diseases Association; foundation f. National Post-graduate Medical College,Royal College of Pathologists; mm. Nigerian Medical Association. Post-graduate Education Committee. College of Medicine. University of Lagos, 1980, Promotion Committee, School of Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacy. 1980-81; Special Committee for the College of Medicine on the Staff House Ownership Scheme. 1981; University of Lagos, Senate, Academic Board, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Editor-in-Chief, Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine, 1996. h: Fogarty International Fellowship Award, USA. 1981-82; Pre-doctoral New York Commonwealth Fellowship Award at the University of Rochester, N.Y., USA: Pfizer Award. CIBA-GEIGY; Travelling Fellowship Award. May & Baker Award. SmithKlinc Award. Upjohn Award, publ: Co-author. Pyogenic Meningitis due to Bacterium anitratum. East African Medical Journal, Vol. 52, Page 210-212. 1975; co-author. Pyogenic Meningitis in Childhood in a four year period Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Ghana Medical Journal, Vol. 14, No 4, page 277-281, 1976; co-author. Symmetrical Gangrene of the Extremities Caused by Neisseria Meningitis type C. East African Medical Journal. 53 (3). page 143-148. 1977; co-author. Penicillina-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoea: Detection by starch paper technique, British Medical Journal Vol. 2, (6085) 1978; co author. Iron content of different colonial types of Neisseria gonorrhoea, . The Journal General Microbiology. Vol. 104, 1978: co-author. The effects of iron chelators on the colonial morphology of Neisseria gonorrhoea. The Journal of General Microbiology. 104, 1981; co author. Use and Abuse of Antibiotics, The Nigerian Medical Practitioner, h: Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science. 1997. tt: Alatunse Okeigbo, Okeigbo, Ondo Slate, 1989; Fiwajoye Oke-Ayedun, Okc-Ayedun. Ekiti State. 1991. Award/Honours: Recipient, Com monwealth Predoctoral fellowship in Micro biology, University of Rochester, New York, USA, 1969-70, Fogarty International fellow ship. National Institutesof Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 1981-82; listed. Who's Who. in Education, International Biographi cal Centre, Cambridge, England, 1986; re cipient, Pfizer Travelling Fellowship Award, 1980; recipient, CIBA-GEIGY Travelling Fellowship Award, 1985; Publication: Over 170 articles in Learned national and international journals; hob: photography, fish farming, off: Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, P.M.B. 12003, Lagos, tel: 01-5453760/ 2231. res: D9/A, Eni-Njoku Road, University of Lagos Campus. Akoka. tel: 01-824704.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Medical Practitioner , University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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