OGAH, Dr. Gabriel Okhaisimhape




MBBS, FICS, FWACS; medical practitioner, surgeon, consultant urologist; b: July 3,1954; p: Fugar, Hometown:' Fugar, LGA: Etsako Central; State: Edo; Married: Celina Gbahgidi; No of Children: two Son, two daughter; Education: St. John's College, Fugar, Edo State, 1967-71; King's College, Lagos, 1972-73;University of lbadan, 1973-78; Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, 1980-87; Edinburgh University, Scotland,1987; University Clinic, Germany, 2001;en Housemanship, Specialist Hospital, Benin City, 1978-79; Medical Officer (NYSC), Kaga & Konduga LGAs, Borno State, 1979-80; Resident Surgery(Urology), ABUTH, Zaria, 1980-87; Medical Dir.,Ogah Medical Centre, Zaria, 1988-90; Consultant Surgeon, St.Nicholas Hospital, Lagos, 1990-92; Consultant Urologist NNPC,1991-03; Consultant Urologist/Medical Dir, Ogah Hospital& Urology Centre, Ikeja, Lagos,since 1991; National Coordinator, Private Specialist Doctors' Directory, 2005; National President AGPMN, 1998-02; Elected Trustee, AGPMPN, 2005; mm: Lagos State Task Force on Illegal Health Facilities, 1997-99;National Committee of IME, for Nigeria Doctors, 1998-01; Board of Governors, Psychiatric Hospital, Uselu, Benin Nigeria, 2001-04; Holds regular health education talks on TV Station in Nigeria, since 1979;f: International College of Surgeons (FICS), 1987; West African College of Surgeons (FWACS), 1998;Founding mem, International Society for Men's Health, Vienna, 2001; mm: Nigeria Urological Surgeon Association, since 1995; Pan African Urological Association, since 2002; European Association of Urology, since 2001; Honours: Listed in Marquis' Who's Who in the World,1998; Publication: "Men's Health in Africa", Inaugural Conference on Men's Health,Vienna,Austria, 2001;Tele medicine& Telehealth in Nigeria, NMA Conference, Lagos; Use of Computers in Clinical Medicine, Nigerian Paediatric Association, Abuja, 2000; Causes & Manifestations of Male Infertility, Nigeria Pathology . Association, Lagos, 2003;and several Publications on Impotence, Male Fertility & Prostrate Diseases; off: Ogah Hospital Urology Centre, Ikeja, Lagos; tel:' 234-802-224-0732; 234-806-014-6951; e-m: gaf>[email protected].
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Medical Practitioner
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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