OGUNBIYl, Prof. Olufemi John

FWACP, MBBS; lecturer, consultant pathologist administrator, ed: LoyolaCollege,Ibadan, 1970-75; International School,Universityoflbadan,1975-77; UniversityofLagos, 1977-83; West African Postgraduate Medical College, 1990; en ResidencyTraining in Pathology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1986-90; Lecturer I,University oflbadan, 1990-94; Senior Lecturer/HonoraryConsultant University oflbadan andUniversity College Hospital, Ibadan, 1994-99; Sub-Dean, Undergraduate & Postgraduate Studies, FacultyofBasic MedicalSciences, 1994-98; 1998- 04;Head, Dept. ofPathology, CollegeofMedicine,University oflbadanand University College Hospital, Ibadan, 2002-05; Prof., Anatomical Pathology, since 1999; Sec, Faculty ofLaboratory Medicine,WestAfricanCollege of Physicians, Nigeria Chapter, 1997-2000; Ag. Sec. General, West African Collegeof Physicians, 2000; Asst. Sec, General,2001-02; Sec General, 2003-04; Postgraduate Examinerin Pathology, since 1994; Postgraduate Examiner inSurgery,WestAfrican Medical College of PhysiciansandSurgeons, since19%;Visiting Prof,College of Medicine andAlliedHealth Sciences, Freetown, Sierra-Leone, 2003-05; Visiting Professor, School of Medical Sciences, igbinedon University Okada,Nigeria, 2005-06; Visiting Prof, School ofMedical Sciences,KwameNkrumah UniversityofScience and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2006-07; VisitingAsst. Prof, Ecctes institute ofHuman Genetics, Universityof Italy, SalyLakeCity,National Instituteof Health, Bethesda,Maryland, USA, 1993; 1995;ee: UniversitiesofBenin, Ife, Ilorin, LagosandPort Harcourt; UniversityofGhanaMedical School,Accra. 2001-04; UniversityofSierra-Leone Freetown, 2004-07; mm: Nigerian Medical Association; Nigerian Association forthe Studyofthe Liver,Association of Pathologists ofNigeria; British Divisionofthe International Academyof Pathology, since 2001; International Society of Biological Repositories (1SBER), since 2007; f:WestAfrican Postgraduate Medical College Laboratory Medicine, 1990; ah: Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowship of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (L.A.R.C), World Health Organization, Lyon, France; Protem President,Anglophone West African Division, International AcademyofPathology(AWADIAP),2005;President 2007;publ:co-author, Aetiologica! Correlates inNigerian Laryngeal Cancers. Virchows Archiv,2003;TrendofNasopharyngeal Canceratthe Ibadan Cancer Registry,2003;Hepatobiliary Changesin Nigerians with SickleCellanemia, AnnalsofTropica! Medicineand Parasitology, 1993; LungCancers at the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria: W.Afr.J.Med.,1995; Thyroid Cancersin Ibadan, Nigeria-a ChangingTrend?EastAfr. Med.,J., 1995;The Aetiopathogenesisofhepatocellularcarcinoma, 19%;Metastatic Tumoursin theLivenA 10-year biopsy study. Nig. Qtl.J. Hosp. Med., 1997; Hepatic Granvlomas inNigeria: WhatAetiological factors doweconsider? Nig.QtlJ. Hosp. Med., 1999; Hepatocellular carcinoma in the Developing World. SeminarsinOncology, 2001;Hepatocellur carcinomain Nigeria Children, AnnalsofTropical Paediatrics, 2001;Choledochal cystsinAfricanInfants: A Reportof3Casesanda Reviewofthe Literature,TrapGastroenterol, 2005; etc; off: ConsultantPathologist, University College Hospital, Ibadan: tel: 0808-743-9123.
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