OGUNTONA, Prof. Babatunde




B.Sc. Ph.D; University Teacher; Born: August 28,1943; Place: Lagos; Married: Clara, 1975; No of Children: One sons, two daughter; EDUCATION: African Church Grammar School, Abeokuta, 1957-58; Egbado College, llafo 1959-63; Comprehensive High School, Aiyetoro 1964-65; University of lbadan, Ibadan, 1967-70; Queen Elizabeth College, University of London, London, 1971-72; School of Agriculture, University of Nottingham, Sutton, Remington, United Kingdom, 1973-77. CAREER: Technical Asst. Analytical Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, Lagos, 1966-67; Agricultural Science Teacher, Ipetu-Ijesha Grammar School, 1970-71; Doctoral Candidate Main Investigator for BP Proteins, University of Nottingham, Sutton Remington, UK; Lecturer II, Department of Animal Science, University of Maiduguri; Lecturer L1979, Foundation acting Head, Animal and Food Science Department; Snr. Lecturer, 1982;Reader, Department of Animal Science, 1985; Sabbatical, International Visitors Program, Poultry Science Department Clemson University, Clemson, South California, USA 1986-87; Acting Head, Department of Animal Science, 1987-89; First prof. Animal Nutrition, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 1989; Founding Head, Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,1990; Dean, College of Animal Science and Livestock Production, since 1991; Senate member. University of Maiduguri, 1978-80, 1984-86, 1987-89; Secretary, Maiduguri Nutrition Association, 1980-86; . Sec. Committee on Collaboration between University of Maiduguri, Lake Chad Research Institute and Chad Basin Development Authority, 1980-89; vpresd. Field Society, Borno, 1981-83; Associate Editor, Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Science, 1982-86; Consultant, Community Food and Nutrition, Nigerian United Nations/Food and Agricultural Organisation, 1983-85; Consultant Health Service Research Project in Nigeria, United Nations/ World Health Organisation, 1989-91; ch.Presidential Task Force on Special Grants, 1990-91; v-ch. Association of Deans-of Agriculture in Nigerian Universities, 1992-95; Editor-in-Chief, 1994; External Examiner. Borno College of Agriculture; Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri; Department of Animal Science and Human Nutrition, University of Ibadan, Editorial Board, Delta Agriculturist since 1989; Senate member. University of Agriculture Abeokuta, since 1990; member. Governing Council since 1991; Tenders Board, since 1991; Chairman College Review Board, since 1991; Postgraduate Studies Board, since 1992; eh: Technical Committee, Lagos Working Group, Nutrition Society of Nigeria, .since 1993; member., World Alliance of Food as Human Right, Nigeria Chapter, since 1993; ch.Association of Deans of Agriculture in Nigerian Universities since 1995; Member Faculty of Agriculture Curriculum Development Committee, 1978-80; Examination Item Writer, Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, 1980-85; Appointment and Promotions Committee, University of Maiduguri 1982-86;Management Committee; West African Journal of Food and Nutrition, 1994; Expert Consultation on Dietary Intake and Nutrition Status Assessment Methodology; National Advisory Committee on Food and Nutrition, since 1992; British Nutrition Society, 1971-84;Agricultural Society of Nigeria, since 1972; Institute of Food Science and Technology, United Kingdom, 1975-89; Nutrition Society of Nigeria since 1978; Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, since 1980; Nigerian Society of Animal Production, since 1980; Poultry Association of Nigeria, since 1984; Agricultural Society of Nigeria, since 1972; Institute of Food Science and Technology, United Kingdom, 1975-89; Nutrition Society of Nigeria, since 1978; Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, since 1980; World Poultry Science Association, since 1996; Poultry World Pleasant Association, since 1994; ab: West State Bursary Award, University of Ibadan, 1969-70; BP Nutrition Grant University of Nottingham, 1976. Honour: UNESCO/IDRC Fellowship, 1982, World Health Organisation Fellowship, University of Lagos, 1988; Honours Roll, Nigerian Society for Animal Production 1992; ACU/CARNEGIE Corporation Senior Fellow, Commonwealth University System 1993-94; Leverhulinc Trust Visiting Fellow, since 1997. Social Club: Club 5762 Afrograms, Abeokuta. Hobbies: gardening, reading, off: The Dean, College of Animal Science and Livestock Production, University of Agriculture, P.MJ3. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, res: Omoba Adetorera Solanle Street Oke-Ata Housing Estate, Oke-Ata Abeokuta.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer
Working Experience
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“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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