OJENGBEDE, Prof. Oladosu Akanbi




FMCOG, FWACS, FICS, B.Sc, M.B.B.S; university teacher, consultant obst/gynaecologist; born: December9, 1949; married; EDUCATION: College of Medicine, University of lbadan, 1967-74; Aberdeen University, Scotland, 1979-80; CAREER: Lecturer, Medical Physiotherapy and Nursing Undergraduate, University of lbadan(UI), 1970-71; Demonstrator, Medical Physiotherapy and Nursing Students, University of lbadan, 1971-74; Lecturer, Reproductive Physiology and Conducted Clinical Teaching and Tutorials for Medical Students and Student Midwives, 1976-81; Examiner, Undergraduate Students Examinations in Obstetrics and Gyneacology, 1978; Teaching, Medical Students, Nursing and Midwifery Students, and Students of Federal Training Centre for Teachers of Health Sciences,till 1992; Sub- Dean (Postgraduate), Faculty of Clinical Sciences and Dentistry, College of Medicine, UI, 1988-90; Acting Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Medicine, UI, 1991 -93;Provost College of Medicine, UI, 1994- 98; acting ViceChancellor. University of lbadan,1995-96; director WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Research Training in Reproductive Health, UI, since 1990; STD Training Programme, College of Medicine, UI, since 1990;Faculty Secretary, National Postgraduate Medical College, Lagos;Faculty Board of Obstetric and Gynecology, 1991-95; Senate Representative on Board of Management University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1991 -94;Consultant-incharge, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Unit, University College Hospital, Ibadan, since 1992; mm: International Epidemiology Association; Nigerian Medical Association; Nigeria Fertility Society; Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria(SOGON); African Fertility Society,Nigerian Society of Endoscopy, West African College of Surgeons; din STD Training Programme, University of lbadan;WHO collaborating Centre for Research and Research Training in Health, UI, since 1990; ah: Federal Government Scholarship for Undergraduate Medical Education, U.I, 1969-74; Best Medical Students Dissertation in Obstetrics and Gynecology, U.I, 1972; Mark, Sharp and Dohme Traveling Fund to attend British Council Course 5 on infertility. London/ Bristol, U.K, 1985;WHO fellowship forTraining, Nairobi Kenya- 1985; Training.in Epidemiology, Nairobi; Kenya, 1987; J.H.P.fE.GO Sponsorship for Training in Reproduction and SexuallyTransmitted Diseases, 1986; Director, Collaborating Centre on Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction by W.H.O, Geneva since 1991; Consultant Development of National Reproductive Health Policy Projects by Federal Ministry of Heahh, UNFPA, WHO 2000; Training Curriculum for Reproduction Health for Midwives by FMOH, UNFPA, WHO, 2001; Development of Job Aids for Reproductive Health Services,by FMQH, WHO 2002; Publication: Co-author, Clinical Trial of Cefoxin in Parentaral Therapy of Septicaemia (Post Abortal and Post partum in Ibadan), Africa Journal of Medical Science, 1985;Prevention of Post Operative Infections in Elective Vaginal Hysterectomy, West African Journal of Medicine, 1985; Management of Pelvic AbscessdX University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1985;Treatment of Candida Vaginitis with Oral Ketoconazole (Nizoral)in Ibadan, Med.Afr., 1991; Gastro Intestinal Candida Reservoir and Chronic Vaginal Candidacies in Nigerian Women, Trop J Obstet Gynae, 1992;One Day Treatment of Vulvo-vaginal Candidosis with Intraconazole, Nigeria Medical Journal, 1992; off: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of lbadan, Ibadan.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer
Working Experience
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