- Married
Emeka Ojukwu Jr., Ebele Ojukwu, Okigbo Ojukwu
Appointed admnistrative Officer, former Eastern Nigeria Public Service, 1956-57; enlisted in the Nigerian Army and posted to Nigerian Army Depot, Zaria, 1957; Posted to 5th Battalion, NA, 1958; instructor, Royal West African Frontier Force Training School, Teshie, Ghana, 1958-61; returned to the 5th Battalion,NA, 1961; promoted Major, NA, 1961; Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General, Brigade Headquarters, Kaduna, 1961; served in Congo Emergency Force, 1962; promoted Lieutenant Colonel and appointed Quartermaster-General, NA, 1963-64; Commander, 5th Battalion, Kano; 1964-66; appointed Military Govemor, defunct Eastern Region, 1966-67; proclaimed Head of State and Commander-in- Chief “Republic of Biafra”, May 1967-70; dismissed from the Nigerian Army, July I, 1967; promoted General, “Biafran Army”, 1968;
member, banned National Party of Nigeria NPN, 1982-83; member, defunct, People’s Democratic Congress, PDC; member, All Peoples’ Party, APP, 1998
Ikemba Nnewi, Dikedioramma Ndi Libo, Ochi Obi of Onicha-Ugbo, Ugo Chinyere Ndi Igbo; AforNa Alor Ndigbo; Eze Igbo Dim
Publications: Biafra: Selected Speeches, Haper and Row, New York, 1969. Biafra: Random Thoughts, Harper and Row New York, 1969; Because I am Involved, Spectrum Books, Ibadan, 1989;
Sports, Music, Art, Literature, Photography, Writing, Poetry;
Official Address: 75 Marine Road, Apapa, Lagos; Home: Villaska Lodge, 29 Queen’s Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos State
Date of Birth: State of Origin: Local Government Area: Village/Town: Saturday, (Eke) 4′” November 1933 Anambra Nnewi Umudim, Nnewi Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegvvu Ojukwu, Dike Di Oha Nina Nke AlaIgho Dum. Ikemba Nnewi is simply born a leader . a charismatic leader who offers his Whole Being for the people he is serving. Although born to the first Nigerian Millionaire and one of the richest African Merchants of the 20″‘ Century. His Excellency General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu never allowed himself lo live a pampered life of a ‘prince’ but worked hard and disciplined himself to make an impact in the world. He believes in hard work, integrity, truth Justice and fairness to all. He is a crusader for social justice and human rights, a brilliant Icon who uses his virtues for the good and service of the entire society. He has done more than can be acknowledged here. He is so honest to the core and insists the right thing be done that renegades and capricious persons and some of his detractors might find him stubborn and uncompromising. He is a man of sincere heart and powerful disposition full of love and compassion. He is a great patriot, a hero and a great leader with a Servant heart. He is one of the greatest leaders Africa has produced in modern times. He is a living legend and a man of vision whose rare leadership qualities can hardly be denied by either millions of his admirers or any of his detractors who secretly admire him but openly fear him. He is a gifted leader whose real fault is that he is in advance of his time because he sees too far ahead of his peers. Most of his revolutionary thoughts of about forty years ago are what some are trying to grapple with today. Chukwuemeka Odumegwii Ojukwu was born on November 4th 1933 at Zungeru in Northern Nigerian to late Sir L.P Odumegu Ojukwu. He had a disciplined childhood and took his education seriously instead of basking on the fame and wealth of his father. Many books of various hues and ideologies had given Chief Ojukwu’s Biography and one only needs to piece them together. Education • Kings’ College Lagos • Epsom Boys College in England at the age of 13 • Lincoln College Oxford University BA Modern History (Hons) Oxon and MA Modem History Job Experience • Joined the Colonial Civil Service of the then Eastern Nigeria as Administrative Officer at Udi • Resigned after a short spell and secretly enrolled in the Nigerian Army against the wish of his father who struggled to pull him out but failed. • He became the First Nigerian Graduate to enrol in the army. • Rose fast in the army due to his intelligence and strength of character. • Became a Lt Col and the Commander of the 5lh Battalion Kano • Served as the Quartermaster General of the Nigerian Army. • Served in the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in the Congo in the 1960 • Made the Military Governor of the Eastern Group of Provinces 17″‘ January 1966 after the first military coup of 15″‘ January 1966. As a Colonel in the army, a young man of 33, he bore the brunt of leadership in a most difficult time and stood with his people as an Icon of Hope and Anchor. • On May 30th 1967, when the genocide against Easterners had continued unabated Colonel Chukwemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu in accord to the wish of the people declared the Eastern Region the Independent and • Sovereign State of Biafra in order to protect lives and property of millions of Easterners. He became the Head of State of the Republic of Biafra and later the General of the Biafran Army. • Nigerian Federal Government attacked the young republic and with strong backing of many World powers, and unconventional Economic blockage, Nigeria crushed the young Republic of Biafra. General Ojukwu left the shore of Biafra in self-exile in Ivory Coast. He was granted Presidential Pardon by the President Alhaji Shehu Shagari in 1980. He returned and joined hands in building the country and helping the Igbo in particular find their feet in the new scheme of things He has been the strong nationalist, a detribalized Leader and a great builder of unity and friendship. His role as Igbo leader has been to bridge the gap and end the marginalization of the Igbo nation and other minority ethnic groups in the country. Ikembaand PostwarLeadership Roles • Identified with Political parties as soon as he returned from exile. • Came out openly and strongly for rebuilding the country’s economy, politics and international image. • Contested the Senatorial Seat under the ruling NPN in 1983 Federal Elections. • Speaks authoritatively and objectively on any matter of national interest and speaks on the side of the oppressed irrespective of the party, ethnic or religion. He insists on Justice as bedrock to National Unity and Integration. • Served in the Constituent Assembly that produced the Constitution of the 3rd Republic. • A charismatic leader who has not defrauded the country at any time nor has enriched himself at the expense of his fatherland. • Contested the 2003 Presidential Election as Presidential Candidate of APGA, one of the Progressive Political Parties. • As a great and persuasive orator, Ikemba has attended many open conference in America, Europe, African to speak on the corporate image and identity of the country and the authenticity of the Igbo agenda. • He is one of the Igbo leaders that will remain forever immortalized in the hearts of many yet unborn. Awards and Honours • Many accolades from the army, political groups, • Academic prizes at Oxford and Eton • Too many Chieftaincy titles from across the nation. Publications • A prolific Writer too many addresses, articles, memoirs autobiography, newspaper articles, public speeches, books. Ikemba as an Elder Statesman • At 70, Ikemba is still the nationalist he has ever been. He is still consistent in challenging injustice, parochialism, corruption and ineptitude in any form and part of our national and private lives. • Ikemba is till the Patriot he has been. He is still the radical honest Servant Leader who fearlessly challenges any secret ganging up against any class or group of people. He stands clean as a non oppressor of any people. Ikemba has no personal enemy except those he sees as the enemy of the country, who are looting the country’s economy, exploiting the poor, disgracing the nation’s image abroad. • Ikemba still believes and assiduously works for Peace and Unity of the country. He shuns the use of force and violence as means to settle any case. He still believes and preached Dialogue and Round-Table conference as means of settling dispute or misunderstanding. • Ikemba is one of the greatest advocates of National Unity and Integration this country has ever had. He is one of the Leaders who speaks the Major Languages of the country fluently and writes them with ease. Ikemba is still one of the Natural Leaders who is still looked upon by the generality of people to direct them on the way to go. He has consistently stood for equal opportunity for all. Whenever he speaks, people listen. He is still a special gift of God to the Igbo nation, nay Nigeria and Africa. In his comment in the All African Global Media “I cannot be afraid. I am fear itself. They are always looking for what I will say but the major thing is no matter what I say. the question is: have the Igbo spoken? All Ndigbo should know that they are Igbo and they were created by God to be Igbo. Where God left us is where He wants us to be. 1 will remain committed to Ndigbo cause.” Ojukwu said. He is a highly religious and prayerful man who takes his faith seriously. He has a lovely wife and many grown up children.
He was granted political asylum by Ivory Coast (now Cote D’lvoire) after the collapse of ‘Biafra’, January 1970; was granted state pardon and returned to Nigeria, June 18, 1982; reinstated into the Nigerian Army and retired with full benefits, May, 2000, member, Nigerian Consittutional Conference, 1994-95;
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