OKOLOAGU, Maj. Gen. Josef Okonkwo (Rtd)

LL.B, B.L, M.Sc; military officer rid;lawyer,administrator, b: July 26,1949; p: Ukehe; Ht: Ukehe; Iga:Egbo- Etiti; so: Enugu; m: Married with Children;ed: St. Peter's Primary School, Ukehe, 1956-62; Igbo-Etiti Grammar School (now Adada River), 1963-67; Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna, 1971-73; Nigerian Army School of Infantry, Jaji; YOC-Infantry, 1976; University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1977-78; The Nigerian Law School, Lagos,1981-82;The Commandand Staff College, Jaji. 1983-84;The Law of War Course, San Remo, Italy, 1984; The Judge Advocate General, Advanced Officers' Course, United States of America, U.S Army, Charlottes VUle,.Virginia, 1985-86; Qualified as a Military judge, presiding over Court Martial Proceedings; directing Staff, The Command and Staff College, Jaji, 1986-90;Tlte National Defence College, NDC, Islamabad, Pakistan. 1999-2000; CAREER: Platoon Commander, Defence Company HQ, Infantry Div.,Nigerian Army, 1973-74; Adjunctant defunct 45 Staff CaptainA 1102 Infantry Brigade, N.A, PortHarcourt, 1975-76; Staff Captain, defunct4 Infantry Div., N.A., Lagos, 1976-77; Legal adviser, 82 Div., N.A, Enugu, 1982-83: Legal Adviser, 3rd Armoured Div.,N.A Ray Field, Jos, 1984-85; Directing Staff, Command& StaffCollege, Jaji, 1986-90; Commanding Officer, 21 Mechanized Infantry Battalion, N.A, Minna,1990-91;Commanding Officer, NIBAT-6,81, BN. NA ECOMOG, Liberia, 1991-92; General Staff Officer, Grade 1, Policy Matters, Ministry of Defense, Army Headquarters, Lagos, 1994; Colonel, Admin and HeadquartersHQ I Mechanized Div. Nigerian Army, Kaduna, 1994-96;Colonel Coordinating,Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command, TRADOC, Nigerian Army, Minna, 19%-99; Retired fromthe NigerianArmy,2002: Member, KadunaZone ofthe Miscellaneous Offenses Tribunalunderthe Chairmanship of JusticeTaminu Zailaru 1995- 99;mm: Miscellaneous OffencesTribunal,LagosZone, UnderJustice Muri Okumola, 1986; Chief Defense Counsel. 1990 Coup d'etat Plot Retrials' Chief DefenseCounsel, 1995 PhantomCoup Trials; Lead Defense Counsel, 1997 Coup Plot Trials; off: Plot 773, Umu-Ololoagu Street OffUmoji Street Independence Layout, Enugu; tel; 234-042-452980, 08033341625, 08042155298,090-410957.
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