B.Sc, Ph.D, agricutural economist, businessman, born April 18, 1940, Ogotun, Ekiti, Ekiti State; married Rachel Olufunke Ogunbade, one daughter; Education: St. David's School, Akure, Olubadan School, Ibadan, Government College, Ibadan, 1954-58, Uni versity of Ibadan, 1960-64, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, 1965-67; Career: Appointed Research Associate, Michigan University, USA, 1965-66; Lec turer, University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), He Ife, 1966-67; Re search Fellow, Nigeria Institute of Social & Economic Research (NISER), University of Ibadan, 1966-67; Research Fellow, Michi gan State University, USA, 1967-68; Senior Research Fellow, NISER, University of Ibadan, 1967; Lecturer at the United Nations AfricanEconomic Development &Planning Seminar & Summer Course, 1968-74; Lec turerat United NationsAgricultural Planning Course, Sponsored by United Nations & Fed eral Government of Nigeria, 1968-77; Lec turer, Department of Economics, University of Ibadan, Department of Agricultural Eco nomics, University of Ibadan and Institute of Administration, Obafemi Awolowo Uni versity, Ile-Ife, 1966-75; Senior Research Fellow & Director, Agricultural Develop ment & Planning Division, NISER, Univer sity of Ibadan, 1972-75; Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi gan, USA, 1973-74; Professor of Agricul tural Economy,NISER, University ofIbadan, 1974-75; Deputy Chairman, Apoje Farm Project; Chairman, FundukEngineering Lim ited, Ibadan, 1979-date; Chairman/Chief Executive, DAOD Nigeria Limited; since 1982; Chairman/Chief Executive, Starford Oil International Limited; Chairman/Chief Executive, Agro-Industries Farm Project, Arowojeka, Ibadan; President, MAICO In ternational Limited, since 1978; Director, BIDO Construction Nigeria Limited, since 1983; Fellow, Institute of Administrative Management ofNigeria; Fellow, Institute of Directors; fellow, National Farms Institute; fellow, Salzgurg Seminar, Austria, since 1978; Chief of Mission of Three Consult ants for the Federal Government On the Preparation of National & State Food Bal ance Sheets, 1971; Chairman, for Africa On Trade Development, 1971-75; First Presi dent, West African Association of Agricul tural Economists (WAAAE), 1972-77; Chair man, Kainji Socio Economic Research Coun cil, 1974-78; Chairman, Expert Panel on Agrarian Reform & Rural Development in Nigeria, 1979;Chiefof Mission of the Study on Integrated Rural Development Project in Bendel State (now Edo & Delta States), 1980; Chief of Mission of the Feasibility Study for Agro-based Industries in Kwara State, 1981; Chief of Mission of the Feasibility Study for Agro-based Industries in Niger State, 1981; Chiefof Mission of Team for the Review of Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme in Nigeria, 1982; Consultant to Western State Government of Nigeria On Agricultural Development Projects, 1969-76; Consultant to the United Nations On Trade and Development,UNCTAD, 1972-78;Consultant to the American Council on Education, 1973; Consultant to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 1974-78; Consultant to United Bank of Africa Plc, UBA, on the Establishment of Department of Agricultural Credit and Rural Lending, 1978-80, 1979-85; Consultant to WEMA Bank Plc, on Evaluation of all Agricultural Projects submited for Loans, 1979-85; Consultant on World Bank Mission on Project Identification in Lagos State, 1980; Consultant on World Bank Mission on Project Identification in Sokoto State, 1980 & Rivers State, 1982; Consultant to the Nigerian In dustrial Development Bank, NIDB, Pic on the Blue Print for Industrial Promotion in Nigeria, 1978-80; Consultant, National Economic Intelligence Committee at the Presidency, since 1994; member, Agricultural Society of Nigeria; member, Agricultural Economic Association; member, American Economic Association; member, Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Science in Africa (AAASA); member, Farmers Institute of Nigeria; member, Institute of Admin istrative Management of Nigeria; member, Institute of Directors; member, International Association of Agricultural Economics IAAE); member, International Council of Social Sciences; member, Nigeria Economic Society; member, Society for International Development; member, West African Association of Agricultural Economists (WAAAE); member, Nigeria and America Joint Consultative Council (JACC) on Agricultural and Industrial Development, 1979- 82; member, Institute of Land Economy and Planning Studies: member of Faculty, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, Salzburg, Austria, 1977; member, Editorial Board, Bulletin of Rural Economics and Sociology, University of Ibadan, 1968-79; member, National Committee on Statistics; member, National on Scientific Surveys, Sta tistics and Documentation; member, National Committee on Food Crops; member, Na tional Technical Advisory Committee on General Economics and Statistics; member, Economic Advisory Council, Ondo State, 1974-78; member, Anti-Inflation Task Force Set up by the Federal Military Government of Nigeria, .1975-76; member, World Committee of Expert on General Issues of Eco nomic & Social Policy concerned with Ba sic Needs by the United Nations, 1976; mem ber, UN Committee on Strategies for Agricultural Development for the Developing Countries, 1980-89; Political Party: mem ber, defunct Social Democratic Party, SDP; member, Campaign Issues Committee, SDP, 1990; member, National Committee on Strat egy and Planning, SDP, 1992; member, National Committee on the Socio-Economic Transformation Agenda of SDP, 1992; Awards/Honours: Winner, National Agri cultural Merit Award; recipient, Certified Distinguished Administrator Award, Full Bright Fellow, 1974; USAID Scholarship Award for PHD degree; Michigan State University Fellowship; Rockfeller Foundation Fellowship, 1973; Ford Foundation Fellowship, 1974; recipient, Government Scholarship to Government College, Ibadan; recipient, Government Scholarship to University of Ibadan, Ibadan; Publications: Nigerian Farm Settlement and School Leavers:Farms, Profitability, Resource Use and Socio-Psychological Considerations, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing- Michigan, 1967; -4 Quantitative Analysis of Food Requirements, Supplies andDemands in Nigeria, 1968-85, University Press, Ibadan, 1972; Perspective Planfor Nigerian Agricultural Development, 1972-85, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Re sources, Government Press, 1975; Co-author, Priorities in Health Planning - Proceedings of a National Conference, Caxton Press, 1973; Co-author, The Marketing Board System, University Press, Ibadan, 1974; Nigeria's Neglected Rural Majority, Oxford University Press, 1975; Rural Development in Africa - Proceeding of a National Conference (EDA), Oxford University Press, 1978;Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in Nigeria, Oxford University Press, 1982; plus over 80 articles in learned national and international journals. Hobby: dancing, Official Address: Texaco Service Station Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo State; Telephone: 02 810-1730; Residential Address: 1, Olubi Close, New Bodija Estate, Ibadan, Oyo State Telephone: 02-810-0202.
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