OLLAWA, (Prof) Patrick Ere

Head, Department of Political Science, University of Calabar; born October 7, 1941 at Nbawsi, Imo State, Nigeria; Education: University of Bonn, West Germany 1965-70. University of Bonn, West Germany - 1970-72. Qualifications: M.A. 1970, Dr. Phil, 1973; Appointment Held: Senior Lecturer and Acting Head, Department of Political Science, University of Calabar, 1978-79. Lecturer, University of Zambia, Lusaka 1973-78; Research Fellow, University of Bonn, 1970— 72. Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, University of Calabar, 1980-82; Clubs and other Associations: A recurrent Research Consultant to the Ford Foundation; Member of the Senate, University of Calabar; Member, Senate Develop ment Committee; Member, Post Graduate Scholarship Board; Member Senate Research Grants Committee; Member of the Editorial board of the Journal "The Calabar Education" - A Journal for Educational Practi tioners and Thinkers in Africa; Acted as Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar, 1979/80 and 1980/81 academic years; member National Universities Commission; Publications: Several including Democratic and nationale Integration in Nigeria; Participatory, Democracy in Zambia and Several articles in Professional Journals. Address: University of Calabar, Departmentof Political Science, P.M.B. 1115, Calabar. Member of the Senate, Uni versity of Calabar; Member, Senate Development Committee; Member; Post Graduate Scholarship Board; member, Senate Research Grants Committee; Member of the Editorial board of tiie Journal; "The Calabar Educator" - A Journal for Educational Practitioners and Think ers in Africa; Acted as Dean, Faculty 'of Social Sciences University of Calabar, 1979/80 and 1980/81 academic years; Member, National Universities Commission; Publica tions: Several including Democratic and nationale Integration in Nigeria; Participatory Democracy in Zambia and several articles in professional journals. Address: University of Calabar, Department of Political Science, P.M.B. 1115, Calabar.
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