OMIDIORA, Chief Balogun Johnson Olabisi;

B.Sc, ACS; chartered accountant DOB: March 12,1933; Place: lle-lfe; LGA: Ife-East State: Osun; Married: Eyinade Oyindaola Aderemi; one son, four daughter; Education: St. Paul's School lle-lfe, 1941-43; Central School Ile-Ife, 1944-48;Oduduwa College, lle-lfe 1949-53;North West Polytechnic, London North, 1957-58; London School of Economics and Political Science, Undon, 1959-62; University of Chicago, Illinois,' 1991;Gilbert Haltet& Eglungton(CharteredAccountants), London, 1962- 65; en ProduceInspector, Western Region, 1954-56;Accountant, UAC of Nigeria, 1966-70; First Nigerian Snr.Accountant Palm Line Nigeria, 1971- 73; First Nigerian Commercial Manager, A.J. Seward, Divisionof UAC, 1974-76; First Nigerian Headquarter Accountant UAC,1977-78; First Nigerian Chief Accountant 1978-81; First Nigerian chairman Vono Products Ltd.,1978-81; executive dir. Operation, UAC, 1981 -83;dir. Properties, UAC, 1984-87; ch: Board Committee, UAC, 1987-88;Wema BoardEstate Ltd., 1984-88;Ogun/Osun State River Basin Auhority, 1991-94;Osun State Economic Development Council, 1998-99;Managing Partner,Olabiyi Omidiora & Co. (Chartered Accountant); dir. Multiltnk Telecom Ltd.; Newltne Insurance Ltd.; mm: FederalCivil Service RevtewCommission, 1993;Federal Government Judicial Commission oflnquiryon KafinZaki Dam; mem: presd.Institute ofChartered AccountantsofNigeria (ICAN), 1987-88;Instituteof Directors Governing Council, Ugos ChamberofCommerce;ch.OsunStateEconomic Development Fund; International Federation ofAccountants and International Accounting Standard Committee, 1989-90; tt: Balogun of Ife, 1996; Obasegbatan of Ife 1980; sc: presd. Ife Club, Metropolitan Club; Ikoyi Club, Island Club; YorubaTennisClub; hob: reading,eating good food,badminton and golf; off: Olabisi Omidiora &Co., Western House (9* Floor), 8/10, BroadStreet, Lagos; tel: 01-2636627; fax: 01-2632181; res: 10, Balogun Bisi Omichiora Road,Apapa GRA, Lagos; fax/tel: 01-5874889.
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