OMOAYENA, Benjamk Okolo

B.Agric, M.Sc; forest expert, administrator, DOB: June 4,1953; p:Ivioghe; Iga: Etsako East; State of Origin: Edo; married; No of Children: four, Education: St.Joseph Catholic Primary School, Inalende, Ibadan, 1962-66; Mount OlivetGrammar School, Bodija, Ibadan, 1969-72; Federal CollegeofForestry, Ibadan, 1974-75; University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1977-82; University ofJos, 1985-87; 199-91; CAREER: Clerical Officer, National Museum, Onikan, Lagos, 1973-74; Forest Superintendent-in-Training, Forest Research Institute of Nigeria badan, 1974r75;ForestSuperintendent 1976-77;Agricultural Officer, NYSC, Bauchi State, 1982-83; Research OfficerU, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria (Federal College ofForestry), Jos, 1983-88; Research Officer I, 1986-2000; Vice Provost, 1988-93; Senior Research Officer, 1993-96; Principal Research Officer, 1996-99;AsstChief Research Cdficer/Senior Lecturer, 1996; Deputy Provost Federal College of Forestry, Jos, 1996-06; Ag.Provost Federal CollegeofForestry Jos, 2006-07; Provost, since2007; Head, College Agricultural Project, 1984-97; Head, Dept. ofEstateand Workshops, 1991- 92; MaintenanceOfficer, 1983-86;WdfareandAccontmodaticm Officer, 1984- 87; Examination Officer, 1994-06; Officer in-Charge, College Ornamental Garden, 1998-01; mm: Academic Board,CollegeofForestry, Jos,since 1989; Admission Committee, 2001-06; College of Forestry Jos Tender Board, since 1989; College Management Committee, since 1989; BudgetCommittee, since 2001; ch., Essential Commodity Committee, 1984-86; Students DisciplinaryCommittee, 1984-89; Convocation Committee, 1985-87; College ofForestryCreditThrift and Loan Society, 1988-90; Examination Committee, 2001-06; RevenueGeneration, 2001-06; Accreditation Task Force, 2001-06; Resource Person, Plateau State Agricultural Development Project 1992; ram: Forestry Association ofNigeria; Plateau State Horticultural Society, Horticultural Society of Nigeria; Botanical Society ofNigeria; publ: Co author: AnAnalysis of Selected Yield Indices intheIrish Potato (Solanum tuberosum): The Path Coefficient Approach, Nigerian Journal of Botany, 1993; Effects of Different Provenancesonthegrowth ofGmeiinaArborea in Edo and Cross River States, Nigeria. Bowen Journal ofAgriculture, 2006; Flowering PaOsmsofSterculiasetigera inSouth Western Nigeria, International Journal ofEnvironment Issue, 2006; including manyother paper presented at conferences, workshops and seminars; sc: Sec, Weppa-Wanno Union, Jos Branch, 1985-89; Treasurer, 1989r96; Sec, Weppa-Wanno Club 80, Jos Branch, 1985-89;Treasurer, 1989-93; ch.,Weppa-Wanno Union, Jos Branch, 2003-04; Financial Sec,Good Shepherd Catholic Chaplaincy, University of Jos, since 2005; bob: gardening, lawn tennis; off: Federal CollegeofForestry, P.M.B. 2019, Jos, Plateau State; tek073-611056,08037032973; pha: Postal Agency, Ivioghe, viaAgenebode, Edo State; e-m: [email protected].
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