ONAH, Prof. Ejugwu Stephen

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; lecturer, university administrator, Born:September 2,1959; Place: Uje-Anomm; LGA: Oju; State of Origin: Benue; married: Maria I. Odoh, December 21,.1985; nc: two sons, one daughter; EDUCATION: Wesley Transferred School, Anchim, 1966-72; Government College, Makurdi, 1973- 77; School of Basic Studies, Ugbokolo, 1977-78; University of Jos, 1978-82; 1985-87; Universityoflbadan, 1991-98; en Graduate Asst, 1983-87; Asst. Lecturer, 1987-89; Lecturer II,1989-96; Lecturer 1,1996-99; Snr. Lecturer, 1999-03; Assoc.Prof.; 2003-06; Prof., University of Agriculture, Makurdi, since October 2006; Part time Lecturer, College of Business Administration, Imo State University, Owerri, 2000-03; Part time Lecturer, Benue State University, Makurdi, since July 2004; Guest Lecturer, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, 2008; Ag. Head of Dept, 1990-91; College Examination Officer, 1998-2000; Ag Head of Dept.,2000-06;mm: University Senate, 1990-91; since October 2006; Senate Representative on UAM Library Committee, 2000-02; College of Science, Agricultural& Science Education (CSASE) Postgraduate Committee, since February 2002;CSASE Library Advisory Board, 1999-01; Time TableCommittee, 1987-89; Examination Malpractices Committee, 1988 &1998; Farm Management Committee, 1998- 91;Inaugural LectureCommittee,since April 2006; NigeriaMathematical So ch., Departmental (M.Sc) Postgraduate Committee,2002-06;CollegeCommittee on the Development of B.Sc Degree Curriculum,2001;Committee on the Development of Postgraduate Curriculum, 2002; Vice Chairman, ASUUUAM Branch. 2000-04;ASUU,UAMBranch, 200448;Sec, Local Organizing CommitteefortheConference ofMathematical Association of Nigeria held in the Benue State University, Makurdi, 2002; Patron, Living Faith Church Campus Fellowship, UAM, sinceOctober2007; Patron, National Unionof Igede Students, UAM,: since 2006; ee: Asst. Examiner, West African ExaminationCouncil,1985-95;AkperanOrshiCollegeofAgriculture, Yandev, 1989-91; DeptofMathematics, Benue State University, Makurdi, 2001 -04; award: Agba Man of the Year, 1995 by Agba Ktub, Makurdi; Exemplary Comradeship and Excellent Leadership, 2005; Student Union Government (SUG) University of Agriculture,Makurdi (UAM), in recognition of quality Leadership Provided asChairman of Academic Staff Union of University, University of Agriculture Branch; Scholarly Promotion ofAcademics,2007; National Union of Igede Students,UAM Chapter, publ:Co-author, Verification of a Stochastic Economic Model, Journal Of Science Research, Universityof Ibadan, 1999; Co-author, Self Guiding Solutions to Mathematics Problems (for Schools of Colleges) Aboki Publishers, Makurdi, Lagos, Nigeria, 1999; Fundamental Marriage Problems & Solutions (for everywoman) Cosmos Press, Makurdi, Nigeria, 2000;Computational Mathematics, Computers and National DevelopmentJour. Of Research and Contemporary Issues, Aboki Publisher, Makurdi, 2003;Triangular Finite Elements fora Boundary Value Problems with Corners, abacus (JMAN) Mathematical Series Publisher: Mathematical Association of Nigeria,2004;Finite ElementAppropriation by Billinear Splines, abacus (JMAN), Mathematical Series, Mathematical Association of Nigeria, 2004; Repositioning Mathematics for Sustainable Scientific Development Journal of Research& ContemporaryIssues,Aboki Publishers, Makurdi, 2006;On a Mathematical Model of Drug Concentration in a Body,abacus(JMAN), Mathematics Association of Nigeria, 2006;A Probabilistic Model for a Winner inThe Ballot Problem, Referred Proceedings - of the 2006 Annual National Conferences of M.A.N Mathematical Association of Nigeria, 2006; Computation Partial Differential Equations I(A Postgraduate Foundation Course National Mathematical Centre Publication), Abuja,Nigeria, •2008; A Mathematical model to Determine the Growth of Investments Using Share Prices, National Mathematical Centre Publication,Abuja, Nigeria, 2009; etc; sc: mem, Makurdi Club; Agba Klub, Makurdi; hob: thinking, reading, sightseeing and picnicking, indoor games and watching football, photography and music; off: Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics &Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State; tel: 0805-480- 8898,0803-692-9704; e-m: [email protected].
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