ONAZI, Prof. Ochapa Ochiko

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., agriculturist, administrator, university teacher, born November 20,1936, Igumale, Ado LGA, Benue State; married, has five children. Education: Boys Second ary School,Gindirik, 1950-55; Nigerian Col legeofArts, Scienceand Technology, Zaria, 1956-58; University College, London, 1960- 64; Imperial College, London, 1966-67; University of London, London, 1967; Kan-, sas State University, Kansas USA, 1973. Career: Appointed Agricultural Officer En tomology, Ministry ofAgriculture, Northern Region, Samaru, 1964; Senior Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Nigeria, 19076; Extension Specialist, Agri culture Extension and Research Liaison Ser vices Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1969-73; Senior Extension Specialist/Senior Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1973; Deputy Director, Division of Agricultural Colleges, 1975-84; Professor ofAgricultural and Extension Education, 1, 1981; Provost and Head, Makurdi Campus, University of Jos, 1984-85; Vice Chancellor, University of Jos, 1985-89; member, Board of National Electric Power Authority, 1976-80; Chair man, Board of Directors, North Brewery Limited, Kano, 1976-80; member, Academic Board of Murtala College of Arts, Science and Technology, Makurdi, 1976-78; mem ber, Management Board, Bomo College of Agriculture, Veterinary Science and Forestry; member, Governing Board, Kaduna State School of Agriculture, Zonkwa; member, Governing Board, Plateau State School of Agriculture, Lafia; member, Interim Aca demic Board, Federal University of Technol ogy, Owerri, Imo State; member, Interim Fi nance and General Purposes Committee, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State; Chairman , National Committee that Prepared the Syllabus for theNigeriaNa tional Diploma in Agriculture, 1980; mem ber, Planning Committee, Benue State Uni versityof Technology; Chairman, Task Force on the Establishment of Vocational Training Centres in Benue State, 1978-80; External member of Senate, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, 1981-84; member, Interim Council, Federal University of Technology, Makurdi, 1981-84; member, Governing Council, University of Port Harcourt, 1984; member, Academic and Administration, Appointments and Promotion Committee; member, Board of Directors, Lobi Bank of Nigeria Limited, Makurdi, 1982-86; Chairman, Board of Directors, Lobi Bank of Nigeria Limited, 1985-86; Chair man, World Bank Agricultural Education Project, Federal Ministry of Education, Lagos, 1986—88; Leader, Presidential MonitoringTeam on Final Comprehensive Inspection of Landing Jetties Constructed by Directorate of Foods, Roads and Rural Infra structures in Rivers State, 1990; FAO Consultant in Agricultural Extension Training, Republic ofUganda, 1990; Leader, Presiden tial Teamon final Comprehensive Inspection of Rural Feeder Roads Phase II, constructed by DFRRI in Rivers State, 1991; FAO Con sultant in Agricultural Extension Training, Republic of Uganda, 1991; member, Steering Committee, Establishment ofthe Benue State University, Markurdi, Benue State, 1991; member, Committee on Application for Innovators/Investors Day Exhibition, National Science and Technology, Lagos, 1991; Project Co-ordinator, National Agri cultural Research Project 1993-94; Chief Technical Adviser, FGN/UNDP, NIR/92/ 014,1993-96; Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Governing Council, Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State, 1996 - date; member, Agricultural Societyof Nigeria; member, Entomology Society of Nigeria; Life member, Nigerian Association for Agricultural Edu cation, fellow, Royal Entomological Society of London. Publications: Locust Control in Nigeria, 1976; Analysis Of The Training Needs of Potential Agricultural Extension Workers inNorthern Nigeria, 1982; The Role ofExtension Specialist inThe Transfer ofAg ricultural Technology in The Northern Ni geria Experience, and many others. Hob bies: reading, music, sports. Home 1,Keana Road, P.O. Box 7528, Anglo-Jos, Jos Plateau State,Nigeria. Telephone:073-464117, 073-461835.
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