ONI, Dr. Stephen Bola

B.Sc, MA, Ph.D urban and regional planner, educationist, ad ministrator, born July 30, 1938, Oro-Ago, Ilorin, Kwara State; married Abigail Bola Atotileto 1970, three sons, two daughters; Education: Oro-Ago Central School, Igbaja Teachers' Training College, Kwara, Kansas State Teachers' College, 1970; USA, Uni versity of Akron Ohio, 1972; USA, Univer sity of Pittsburgh, USA, 1980; Career: Appointed Teacher,Evangelical Church of West Africa Central School, Oro-Ago, Kwara State, 1957-58, 1962, 1965-66; Research Analyst, Department of Urban Studies, University of Akron, Ohio, USA 1971; Research Analyst, Community Planning Department, Akron, Ohio, USA, 1972; Assistant Profes sor, Vonhees College, Denmark, South Carolina, USA, 1972-73; Economic Consultant, Consumers' Education for Economic Development Programme Inc., Akron, Ohio, USA, 1973; Teacher, Akron Public School, Akron, Ohio, USA, 1973-74; Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 1975-78; Senior Administrative Consultant, Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1979-81; Lecturer & Reader, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1979-date; Principal Administrative Consultant, Institute of Administration, ABU, 1982-85; Senior Lecturer, Institute of Administration, ABU, Zaria, since 1985; member, Society for In ternational Development, Rome; member, American Institute of Planners; member, Nigerian Economic Society, 1980-87; mem ber, Planning Committee for Nigerian Students in America; President, Society for International Development, Zaria Chapter; Foreign Honour: Listed, in Who's Who in the World, 15th Edition, USA; Publications: "Citizen Participation in Urban and Rural Development" in Issues on Development: A Seminar, ABU Press, Zaria, 1985; "Lead ership Followership and Managerial Behaviour" in Management and Public Sector, ABU Press, Zaria, 1986; Co-author, Community Development The Backbone for Promoting Socio-Economic Growth, Oluseyi Boladeji Company, Zaria, 1987; 2nd review .edition, 1996;* 1989; Co-author, Managing the RapidGrowth of cities in Nigeria; Reading in sustainable development, 1998; in addition to many articles in national and inter national journals; Hobbies: gardening, animal husbandry, squash, lawn tennis, swim ming, photography, reading & travelling; Official Address: Department of Local Gov ernment Studies, Institute ofAdministration, Ahmadu Bello University, P.O. Box 979, Zaria, Nigeria; Telephone: 069-332-93 ex tension 90; Home: 11,Balag Road, Ahmadu Bello University, Kongo Campus, Zaria, Kaduna State; Telephone: 063-329-07.
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