ONWUALU, Engr. (Prof.) Azikiwe Peter

B. Eng, M. Eng; Ph.D; Agric engineer, academic, administrator, DOB: April 27,1959; Place: Oba; Hometown: Oba; LGA: ldemili South; State of Origin: Anambra; Marreid: Blessing Onwualu; nc: four, EDUCATION: St. Theresa's Primary School; Abakaliki, Ebonyi State; George's Primary School, Oraifite, Anambra State; Merchant of Light Secondary School, Oba, 1977; University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1982; 1986; Technical University ofNova Scotia, Halix, (now DalhouseUniversity) Canada, 1991; CAREER: Graduate Asst:, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1983; Lecturer 1,1991; Professor, since 1991; Head, DepL ofAgricultural Engineering, 2000-03; Director, Engineering Infrastructure, National Agency for Science arid Engineering infrastructure; Abuja, 2003-05; Director-General/Chief Executive, Rawmaterials Research and Development Council, Abuja, 2005; Consultant to Central Bank on Baseline Economic survey for SMIEIS under University of Nigeria, Nsukka Consultancy Services; Techno Consult, Kano; PTF Projects on Distribution of Educational Material; AmmoTracs, UNDP Programme on Agric and Rural Development National Centre for Agric Mechanization, Ilorin, Niger Holdings Ltd; System Development and Research, Omnidata Ltd, Nuskka; Federal Departmentof Agric on Survey of Agricultural Machinery Nationwide; Nigerian Grains Board onEvaluationof Large Scale Rice Mills. mm:ch.FacuIty of Engineering Consultancy Committee University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Sec Implementation Committee; Nitel Computer Communication Centre; Faculty Examination Committee; cb.Welfare Committee; Departmental Examination Committee; Editor inchief, Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, since 2003; Publication Sec. Nigerian Institute ofAgricultural Engineers, 2001- 2003; National Execute Council, Nigerian Institute ofAgricultural Engineers, 1999-2001;sec.NigeriaInstiteteofAgriculmralEngineere, 1997-99; National Asst.Sec.International Soil Tillage Research Organization, Nigeria Chapter, 1993-2000; Asst.Sec.Nigerian Societyof Engineers Nsukka Branch, 1992- 99; National Asst. Sec. Nigerian Institute ofAgricultural Engineers, 1986-87; ee: Federal University ofTechnology, Owerri and Yola; Univereity of llorin; Federal Polytechnic Bauchi; Enugu State Univereity of Science and Technology, Enugu;award: Merit Award, Federal Ministry of Education, 1978; Prof. Odigboh Prize for theFirst Student of Agricultural Engineering toGraduate with First Class University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1982; Scholarship Award, Canadian International DevelopmentAgency for PhD Programme, University of Nigeria Research Branch; National AgricResearch Project National Centre ' forAgric Mechanization andAgric Technology PolicyStudies Networks; Development of real timecomputer based monitoringandcontrol systemfor agricultural machines whichhasfound application intheautonomous tractor ,concept andembedded systemfor machines; development of conservation tillage practices for crop production to ensure energy, soil and water conservation; Development of number of machine for conservation tillage including job planter, multi operational cultivation machines, reduced tillage planters, sprayer, Development ofAgroprocessing machine including vegetable oilexpellere, grinders and mills, oil palm processing machine, dryers, threshers, grain cleaners, destonere rice mills, cassava processing machines; Development of computer programmes fori soilmachinedynamics analysis, agro-industrial management; process monitoringand controls, inventory management: development of local books forteaching engineering including Applied i machines; fundamentals of engineering for agriculture and principles and practice,ofengineering project management, mm: Nigeriah Institution of Agricultural Engineers; International Soil Tillage Research Organization; Nigerian Society of Engineers; African Technology policy Studies Network; African Conversation Tillage Network; publ: published extensively in the areas of soil-machine dynamics, agricultural mechanization, Agricultural power and machinery development, post Harvest engineering, Agro-Industrial Management and Technology Policy, author/coauthor of about 110 scientific publications including textbooks He has also presented papers in over60 conferences and workshops. Sc: ch. Oba Patriotic union,Nsukka branch, 2000-03; sec. Odinye Extended Family Meeting,2000; tt'. Ozor ofChinye- Lugo; off: Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Abuja.
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