ONWUMECHILI, Prof. Cyril Agodi

B.Sc, Ph.D., physicist, university teacher, administrator; b: January 20, 1932; p: Inyi, Anambra; m: Cecilia Bedeaka Anyadibe, 1958; nc: two s, one d; ed: King's College, Lagos, 1944-49; University College, Ibadan, 1953; International Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. USA, I960, cr: Lecturer, University College, Ibadan. (now University of Ibadan), 1958-62; dir. Ibadan Observatory, 1960-66; prof. Physics, University of Ibadan, 1962-66; Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan, 1965-66; dir. Zaria Observatory, 1966; Established Sokoto Observatory, 1966; prof. Physics, University of Nigeria, 1966; Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1970-71; Visiting prof. Geophysics, Geophysical Institute. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 1971-72; Consultant, Institute of Space Research, SaoJose dos Campos, National Research Council of Brazil; Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, 1973-76; v-c. University ofIfe, 1978-81; Founder, Inyi Welfare Association! 1952; mm: West African Science Association, 1961-65; Editor-in- Chief, Nigerian Journal of Science, 1963-67; auditor. Science Association of Nigeria, 1963-65; Founder/mem. Nigerian National Committee for Archives since 1966; University of Ibadan Governing Council, 1966-67; first ch. Enugu Community Union, 1967-71; v-ch. Nigerian National Committee, World Power Conference, since 1967; mm: University of Nigeria Governing Council, 1970-73; Natural Science Research Council of Nigeria, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics to Developing Countries; co-ch. International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy International Committee on Electromagnetic Induction within the Earth; convener, IAGA Working Group on Equatorial Electrojet, 1972-73; former mem. Commonwealth Consultative Committee on Space Research, International Scientific Programmes Committee, International Symposia on Equatorial Aeronomy, since 1972,: American Geophysical Union, Society for Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity of Japan; former ch: Nigerian National Committee, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; Nigerian National Committee, International Years of the Quiet Sun. publ: Co-author, Physics of Geomagnetic Academic Press, New York, 1967; co-author. Magnetic Observations Under Total Solar Eclipse in Chad, Report of Observations of the Solar Eclipse, June 30, 1973, National Science Foundation, USA; Possible Asymmetry in the Daily Range of the Geomagnetic Equator, Nature, London, 1951; The relation between H and Z variations near the equatorial electrojet. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 16, 174-282; Fluctuations in the geomagnetic horizontal field near the magnetic equator. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 17, 286-294. hob: Swimming, table tennis, lawn tennis, off: Department of Physics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State.
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