ONYENEMERE, Chief (Comrade) John Ogoemeka

Date of Birth: State of Origin: Local Government Area: Isu Milage/ Town: Contact Address: ('ontact Telephone: Email Address: Friday (Eke) 26"' August 1960 Imo Ekwe- Eluama 6, Jimoh Akaremi Street Akowonjo Dopcmu 234-1- 8033032633, 234-1-7745318 johnonycCwyahoo.com ('hief Comrade John O. Onyenemere (JP) has beenactively involved in the crusade for humanrights, workers rightsand the freedom of the oppressed right from his young days in the school. He has a sharp sense ofjuslice and as such would not like to compromise the right of any one or ignore lo stand for his own rights. He has stood as an Icon of defence of the oppressed, the voice of the voicelessand the spokesman of the down trodden for a long lime. I ducation • Community Primary School Isu • Isu High School WASC 1979 • Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri OND 1991. IINI) 1993 respectively University of Histradut Bertbell Israel. Postgraduate Certificate in Social Economics Job Experience Nigerian Breweries Ltd (NBL) • Labour Union Functionary and Facilitator • Immediate Past Treasurer, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) • National President of National Union of Food, Beverages& Tobacco Employees till dale. .National and Community Services • Chief Comrade John Onyenemere is known for his determination to stand for others in times of winter or summer. He is an outgoing and true patriot who is also very altruistic. So his life has been spent for the good of all that stand around him. • Struggled for many years to defend the workers and the down trodden. • Ilas helped lo create wealth by encouraging Union Members lo work with determination and zeal in any industry or firm where they are employed. • Stood against irrelevant retrenchment and oppressive dismissal of workers or witch- hunting. • Has offered four universily scholarships at his own personal expense to students from Isu. Awards and Honours Many honorary awards including two chieftaincy titles which arc • Abuba Ugo Ekvvc • Omeka Ozuo Oha of Ngwa • International LabourOrganization (ILO) Geneva MeritAward for Excellence inNLC Representation Heis a Catholic Christianand takes his faith seriouslyand fights injustice on the basisof his Christianunderstanding of Justice and Biblical Truth. His hobbies include Travelling and Reading. He is mainly inspired by Nelson Mandela because of his selflessservice to his people. 1lis adviceto the IgboYouths "work topromote Igbo Unity ". The leaders "should hefocused". He is married with children.
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