ONYENUSi, Dr. Augustine Egwu

BSc, MSc, PhD; lecturer, administrator, ed: UnivereityofNigeria, Nsukka, 1971 -75;Univereity ofNairobi, Kenya, 1983-84; University oflbadan, 1990-%;cr Ag.Agric Extension Officerincharge, Ogota Division,(NYSC) Cross River State, 1975-76; ActingCoproject Manager, (Administration, LecturingandResearch), Federal College ofWildlifeManagementForestry Research InstituteofNigeria, NewBussa, NigerState,1983-86; Lecturer/Researcher, 1983-86; 1990-91 ;Ag. Principal (Administration& Research), 1987-89; Principal,(Administration, Lecturing and Research), 1992-98;Provost (Administration,Lecturingand Research), Federal CollegeofWiWIifeManagementForestry Research InstituteofNigeria, New Bussa, Niger State, 1998-01; Head of Wildlife Research and Multiplication, Coordinator ofGrasscutter and Snail Domesticationand Multiplication Research Projects, Forestry Research InstituteofNigeria, Ibadan, 2001-05; 2005-06; Head. ForestConservation Division, ForestConversation and ProtectionDept, 2005-06; since 2006; ch., FRIN ResearchCommittee, : since August, 2006; Head of Forestry Research Instituteof Nigeria Staff CommitteethatOrganizes quarterly training workshopforinterested public in the skill ofgrasscutter farmingsince 2001;Trustee,Oyo StateGrasscutter Farmers Association, Ibadan; Participant Preparation ofManagement Plan for 01-donyo Sabuk National Park, Kenya (Univereity of Nariobi), 1979-04; mem,Technical CommitteeWorkingGroupforPreparation ofTropical Forestry ActionPlan on Biodiversity&Wildlife Management forNigeria; mm: Forestry AssociationofNigeria;Wildlife andZoo ManagementAssociation ofNigeria (WIZMANXFaunaConservatkmSociety(FACS)Univereityoflbadan,Nature PressClub-Federal CollegeofWildlife ManagementNew BussaPublishers ofWitdlifeFocus; award: BursaryAward for B.ScDegree, Federal Government ofNigeria, 1972-75; Fellowship AwardforMSc Degree inWildlifeEco/mgt FAO/UNDP, 1980-83; Fellow, Corporate Administration Institute ofNigeria. 1999; MeritAward forDiligenceandCommitmentto theGrowthofForestry in Africa by Crystals Magazine UK, 2008; publ: Wildlife Resourcesof Nigeria: Managementand Economic Potentials in: Issues in Sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria, 2004; co-author, Case Studies on Domesticationof Grasscutter(Thryonomys Swinderianus) in Nigeria,in:Issuesin Sustainable, Agriculture inNigeria, 2004;Wildlife Resources ofNigeria,Management and Economic Potentials. In: Issuesin Sustainable Agriculture in Nigeria, 2004; MeasurementofImpactofTourist off-road during on Grasslandsin Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya: A Simulation Approach Environmnetal Conservation, 1986; Damage to Farm CropbyCommonHippopotamus in Ibbi GameReserve.The NigeriaField, 1988;Utilization ofBoabab Treesby Elephants inYankariGame Reserve.The NigerianField, 1988;Curriculum Development forTechnicalWildlife EducationandTraining,The Nigeria Field, 1988;Biodiversity, Case Study in Kainji Lake National Park,The NigeriaJournal of Forestry, 2001, etc; hob: games, reading,listening to music, farming, watching films/movies;off: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan; tel: 02-2414441,02-2414073,0803-722-8909,0807-254- 1069; e-m: [email protected].
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