OPEKE, Prof. Lawrence Kayode

B.Sc, Ph.D;agriculturist,administrator b: December11,1925; lte-Oluji,Ondo; m: EstherArinolaAkinrelere, 1957; nc: two s, five d; ed: St. PetersPrimary School, lle-OIuji,OndoState;INA Primary School, llutitun;Ondo Boys' High School, Ondo. 1945-49;School ofAgriculture, MoorPlantation, Ibadan, 1951-52; University College, Ibadan, 1952-57; Univereity of Reading, Reading, England, 1958-61. cr: Tutor, Ondo Boys' High School, Ondo, 1950;Agricultural Assistant-in-Training, 1951 -52;Agricultural Officer, MinistryofAgriculture and Natural Resources, WesternRegion,Ibadan,1957;snr. ResearchOfficer, MinistryofAgriculture andNatural Resources,Western Region, Ibadan, 1961-62; Lecturer, Univereity ofIfe(nowObafemiAwolowo Univereity),Ibadan Campus, I%2-63; Deputy dir. West African Cocoa Research Institute Ibadan, 1%3-64; Cocoa Research InstituteofNigeria 1964-74; AdministrativeSecretary-General, Association for (lie AdvancementofAgricuItural Sciences inAfrica,Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, 1974-76; visitingprof. Plant Science,ObafemiAwolowoUniversity, lle-lfe, 1976-78; engagedin full-time farming, 1978-79;mem. Ondo State Houseof Assembly, 1979-82; prof.CropProduction, Federal Univereity ofTechnology, Akure,1982-87; Dean, SchoolofAgriculture, Federal University ofTechnology, Akure,1982-84; Head, Department ofCropProduction, SchoolofAgriculture, FUTA,Akure, 1982-87;Administrative Secretary/Chief Executive, Cocoa AssociationofNigeria, Akure,Ondo State, 1987;v-ch. CocoaGenetics and Genepool Group,Food andAgricultural Organisation, Rome,Italy, 1965-74; mm. Working Group on Cocoa Production and Protection,FAO, 1965-72; ch. Plant Production and Protection Section, Association for the Advancement ofAgricuIturalScience inAfrica, 1967-75;mem. BoardofDirectors, Western Nigeria Development Corporation, Ibadan, 1967-73; ch. Agricultural Society ofNigeria, 1968-71; mem.Western Nigeria Scholarship Board, Ibadan, I%9; Co-ordinating Committee.Western Nigeria CocoaDevelopment Unit Ibadan, 1970-74; Board ofTrusteesofthe International Institute ofTropicalAgriculture; Ibadan, 1970-73;Research Committee, IITA, Ibadan, 1971-73;SenateObafemi AwolowoUniversity, He Ife, 1976-78; CommitteeofDeans, Federal University ofTechnology,Akure, 1982-84; DevelopmentCommittee;FUT,Akure, 1982- 84; Senate, FUT, Akure, 1982; Provisional Vice-Chancellor, FUT,Akure, 1983. Life mem. Red Cross Society ofNigeria, 1982; Life mem. Bible Society ofNigeria, 1982;mm: West African Science Association,Science Association ofNigeria; GeneticSocietyofGreat Britain, Agricultural Institute ofCanada, Association fortheAdvancement ofAgricuItural Sciences inAfrica (AAASA); Life mem. AgriculturalSociety ofNigeria; GoverningCouncil, Ondo State University since 1995; h. Certificateof Merit in Agricultural Sciences,Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, 1978. pp: defunctUnityParty ofNigeria 1979-82. tt Bamuwdsan of lle-OIujii Orido State. pubL Tropical Tree Crops, Volume I, JohnWiley, London, 1982;TropicalTree Crops, Volume II. Spectrum Books, Ibadan, 1987;ContributedChaptersin the Monograph ofthe Plytophthora, Diseases ofCocoa, Longman London, 1973;and in Cocoa Research in the World (World Bank Publications, USA, 1973. in additionto over 75 papersin nationaland international scientificjournals, hob. hunting, gardening,ayo game, off: Cocoa Association ofNigeria, 5, EkitiAvenue,Ijapo Estate,P.M.B. 720, Akure,Ondo State,tel:034-232002. res: 27,Ajiferere Street, P.O Box 198,lle-OIuji,OndoState, tel:034-232289.
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