ORUBULOYE, Prof. Israel Olatunji

B.Sc.M.Sc,Ph.D, univereity teacher, administrator, b:August20,1947; p:Are-Ekiti; so:Ekiti; m: Modupe; nc: four, ed: Egbe-Oba HighSchool,ikoIe-Ekiti, 1962-66; OduduwaCollege, Ite-Ife, 1967-68; Univereity of ibadan, l%9-74;Australian National Univereity, Canberra, 1975-78; cr:Research Scholar, Dept. ofSociology, Univereity of Ibadan, 1972-74; JuniorResearch Fellow, Nigerian Institute ofSocial and Economic Research, Ibadan, 1974-75; Ph.D scholar,Australian National Univerity, Canberra, Australia, 1975-78; Post-Doctorate Fellow of Demography, Vrije Universite Brussel, Belgium, 1979; Research Fellow, NigerianInstituteofSocial and Economic Research Ibadan, 1980-81;Snr. Research Fellow, Nigerian Institute ofSocial and EconomicResearch, Ibadan, 1981-83; Snr. Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, Ondo State University, Ado- Ekiti, 1983-85; Reader (Associate Professor) Dept. of Sociology. OSUA, Ekiti; 1985-86; VisitingReader, Dept. ofDemography andSocial Statistics, Obafemi Awolowo Univereity, Ile-Ife, 1988; Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Univereity ofAdo-Ekiti, 1989,Visiting Fellow, Health Transition Centre, Australian National Univereity. Canberra, 1990; VisitingResearch Professor, Nigerian Institute ofSocial andEconomicResearch,1991;Visiting Fellow, Health Transition Centre,AustralianNationalUnivereity, Canberra, 1992; 1994-95; 1997-98; 1999; Coordinator, Dept.ofSociology, 1985-85; Acting Dean,Faculty ofthe SocialSciences, 1998-89;Dean,Faculty ofthe Social Sciences, 1989-92; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, l992-95;ActingViceChancelior, 1995-%; Director, International Programmes, Office,UniversityofAdo-Ekiti; 2002/04; Vice-Chancellor, University ofAdo-Ekiti, since2004; ee:Obafemi AwolowoUnivereity, Ile-Ife, 1985/90: UnivereityofGhana,Accra,Ghana, 1990; ch: Students'Welfare Board; GuestHouseManagement Committee, 1986-90; Committeeof Dean; 1992-95; HousingLoansBoard, 1992-96; mm: International Union, for the Scientific Study ofPopulation (IUSSP); New York AcademyofScience; Population AssociationofNigeria (PAN) National Technical Committee for thePreparation for 1991 Nigeria Population Census Union ofAfrican Population Studies (UAPS) publ: co-author: Population andDevelopment in Nigeria NISER, 1983;co-author: Introduction to Population Analysis, Akure, 1986;co-author: "Sexual Networkingand H1V/A1DS inWest Africa", Health TransitionReview Supplementto vol.3 Canberra, The Australian National Univereity, 1993; The Social, Cultural and Behavioral Determinants, Canberra, Australian National Univereity, 1998; co-author. The study of Human Populations, Centre for Population and Health Research, 2000;co-author'The impactsof Public Health Serviceson Mortality:AstudyofMortality Differentials inarural area ofNigeria" Population Studies, 1975;"NuptialityandFertility inarural areaforNigeria"IfeSocial SciencesReview, 1981; etc ah: Population Council Fellowship (through the Department ofSociology, UnivereityofIbadan), 1973-74; Population Council Fellowship, 1975-78; Australian National UnivereityPh.DSupplementation Award,1975-78; Federal GovernmentofNigeria Ph.DScholarship Award, 1975-78; Population CouncilFellowship, 1998off: UniversityofAdo-Ekiti, Ekiti State, tel: 234-30-250-997, 234-1-0803-324-7005; e-m: [email protected].
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