OSAGIE, Prof. Eghosa

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., academic, administrator, economist b: April27,1940; p: BeninCity,so: Edo; ht: Benin City;Iga: Oredo; so:Edo; m: EstherAnte(made, 1968;nc:thees;oned;ed: Government School, Benin City,EdoState, 1947-53; Holy Trinity Grammar School. Sabongidda-Ora, 1954-59; Government College, Ibadan, 1960-61; Pomona College Claremont California, USA,-1962-65; University of California, Berkeley, 1965-66; University ofCalifornia, LosAngeles, !%8-7!;cn Junior research f/research f. National Institute for Social and Economic Research, 1966-73; Lecturer/snr. Lecturer, Department ofEconomics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 1973-80; prof/Head, Economics, DepartmentofEconomics, 1980-87; Dean, Faculty ofSocialSciences, University of Jos, 1982-86; dir. Research, National Institute forPolicyandStrategic Studies,Kuru, 1987-98; dir.Studies, National Institute forPolicy andStrategic Studies, Kuru, 1999; v-c Benson Idahosa University, BeninCity,2002-06; ch.Africana Finance and Business Studies, Benin City; presd.Institute forTechnologyAcquisition inAfrica, since2000; mm: Nigerian Economic Society; Nigerian Society of International Affairs;WestAfricaEconomicAssociation; Forum ofOrganised Private Sector, Edo State, since 2005; Consultantto severalInternational Organisations, since 1988, including UNECA, UNIDP, International Foundation forElection Systems,Washington DC;Deacon, Nigeria Baptist Convention; ah: ASPAUScholarship or undergraduate studies, 1962-65; Ford Foundation Fellowship forPostGraduate Studies,1968-71; pnbfc co author, Ideologyfor SocialDevelopment. Academy press, 1978; co-author. Economics for West Africa. Univereity Press, Ibadan, 1985; co-author. Economic Integration inWest Africa. Ibadan Univereity Press, 1984; Srue/Bra/ Adjustment in Nigeria, National Institute for Policy andStrategic Studies (NIPS); Kuru,1992; Revenue Mobilization byNigerian States. NIPS, Kuru, 1994; The NewNigerian Eonomy: From Povertyto Prosperity. Africana Financeand Business Services, 2007; sc: Benin Social Circle, Benin City, bob:gardening, listening tomusic, reading, travelling; off:Africana Finance and Business Services, 3, Oni-GuobadiaCrescent GRA, BeninCity, tel: 08033363504; e-m:[email protected]; res 3,Oni-Gadiadia Descent, offAdesuwaGrammarSchool Road,GRA, Benin-City,EdoState.
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