OSEGHALE, Dr. Efosa Bendrift

B.A, M.A, Ph.D; univereity lecturer, administrator, b: July 25,1961; p: Benin City; Iga: Esan West; so: Edo, married; ed: Benin Divisional Council IV, Benin City, 1967-73; Hussey College, Warri, 1973-79; Bendel StateUnivereity, Ekpoma, 1983-87; Univereity oflbadan, 1990-91;AmbroseAlii Univereity,Ekpoma,2002; en Auxiliary Teacher, Ezoti Primary School, Benin City, 1979-80; Auxiliary Teacher, Okada Grammar School, Okada, Edo State, 1980-83; Administrative Officer, UniversityofNigeria, Enugu Campus, 1987-88; Graduate Asst.,Ambrose Alii University, Ekpoma, 1989-91; Asst. Lecturer, 1991-94; Lecturer II, 1994-97; Lecturer 1,1997-2000; Senior Lecturer,2002-05; Assoc Prof, since 2005; Head of Dept, History and International Studies, 1997-2000; mem, SenateofAmbroseAlii Univereity, since 1997;dir, Industrial TrainingUnit AmbroseAliiUnivereity, 2000-03; HeadofTraining,since2000;ch., Faculty ofArts Welfare Committee Alii University, Ekpoma, since 2000; State Coordinator, Centre for Preservation ofUtilities and Environment International, Enugu; mm: Historical Society of Nigeria; Sec. General, International ProductivityNetwork(IPN) Nigeria/Network,NEWJersey,USA;publ: co author.AnIntroductionto International EconomicRelations,RoyalExpress Publications,2002; co-author, Emerging Issues in HistoryResearchMethod inNigerian Universities; SecondarySocialFormationsandDiplomatic Practice in Pre-colonial Esan inJournalofTeacher EducationandTeaching, 2005;co author, 6il Politics inNigeria and theNiger Delta Crisis inthe Constitution, AJournalof ConstitutionalDevelopment 2005; Participant ThePoliticsof Apartheidin SouthAfrica,SouthernAfricanReliefCommittee, Universityof Benin, 1990; International Conference on Politics, Society and Rights in Traditional Societies: Models and prescription for Contemporary Nation Building in Nigeria, Institute of Benin Studies in Collaboration with the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, New York, 2002; International Conference on Rethinking Government and Development in the 21"Century, Institute for GovernanceandDevelopment inCollaboration with Ford Foundations, USA, BeninCity,2004;ah: J.U. Egharevba Prize forthe BestHistory Student inYearOne, I984;K.0. DikePrize forthe BestHistory Student in YearTwo, 1985;William Lavender Prize for the Best Student, Russian History, 1986; Head of Dept'sPrize fortheBestGraduating Student 1987;William LavenderPrizeforthe Best ResearchProject, 1987;Dean's Prize for the Best Graduating Student in the Faculty ofArts and Social Sciences; hob: football, music traveling; off: DepL of History and International Studies,AmbroseAli Univereity, Ekpoma,EdoState; tel: 0803-718-0781, 0805-630-0522; e-m:[email protected].
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