OSINULU, Reverend Samuel Adeoye

BA,MA, clergyman, born April 1, 1924, Oru, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State; married Sabinah Afolabi Adelaja 1948 (deceased), and Clara Olanrewaju Odugbesan 1969, four sons, four daughters; Education: Yaba Higher College, Lagos, University College (now University ofIbadan), Ibadan, 1.947, 1951, Institute of Education, University ofLondon, 1953, Nor thwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, 1960; Career: Appointed School Mas ter, Methodist Boys' High School, Lagos, 1951-54; Principal, Methodist Boys'" High School, Lagos, 1954-62; Administrator, Uni versity ofLagos, 1962-64; Dean ofStudents, Unilag, 1964-66; Deputy Registrar, Unilag, 1966-72; Registrar and Vice-President ofAd ministration, Unilag, 1972-75; Minister of Religion, Methodist Church, Nigeria; Chap lain, Lagos University Teaching Hospital and University of Lagos, since 1975; member, Classical Association, UK; member, Classi cal Association of Nigeria; member, Meth odist Church Nigeria Conference; member, Editorial Board, "West African Journal of Education"; Leader, Nigerian Delegation to the UN Conference, Accra, Ghana, 1961; Publications: "Training of University Ad ministrators" 1973;"// Comparative Study ofAmerican and Nigerian Education Sys tems "(Career: Appointed, 1973: "Manage ment of Human Resources in a University Setting" 1975; Hobbies: Photography, read ing; Address:5,OlaAyeni Street, OffMedi cal Road, P.O. Box 1178, Ikeja, Lagos State
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