OSOBA-GEORGE, Prince Olatunji

B.Sc, MBA., public relations and advertisingconsultant marketingand healthconsultant; b:October8,1952; p: Lagos;m: Olajumoke Maderinkan, 1981;nc: one d; ed: YabaMethodist School,Yaba,Ugos, 1958-64; AbeokutaGrammar School,Abeokuta,1965- 69;CMS Grammar School,Bariga, Ugos, 1970-71; Univereity oflbadan, Ibadan, 1972-75; UniversityofLagos, Ugos, 1976-77. cr:TaxClerk, Ugos State Revenue Division, Ugos State Ministry ofFinance,1972;Valuation asst,Ugos StateEstate Valuation OfficeandUgos StateMinistry of Lands, 1973;Uboratory asst, St. Thomas Hospital,Waterloo,1974;TraineeBrand Manager, A.J.Seward, 1975-76; Product Manager, snr. Product Manager, Haco Ltd., 1978-80; ShippingCo-ordinator, JohnHolt ShippingServices, 1981-82;Commercial Manager, John Holt Ventures, 1983-84;Divisional ACHIEVERS WHO'S WHO IN NIGERIA 787 gm. Haco Ltd., 1985; gm. St. George's Productions Ltd., 1986-88; ceo. St. George's Publicity Ltd., since 1988; mm: Nigeria InstituteofManagement 1982; Nigeria MarketingAssociation, since 1989, Nigeria Institute ofPublic Relations, 1989; Advertising Practitioners Council ofNigeria, since 1993. pp: PublicityAdviserto Ugos State ch. defunct National Party ofNigeria; Publicity Consultant to Ogun State ch. National Party ofNigeria. publ: Nigeria sAdvertisingin the 1980 s: The Role ofthe Communication Media. Management in Nigeria, 1981. sc: Old Sigmites Association, Ugos, since 1978; Island Club, Ugos, 1986; Club 72, Nakanda, Lagos, 1991: hob: swimming, tennis, chess, scrabble, off: St. George's Publicity, 15, Bode Thomas Road, Onipanu, P.O. Box 3222, Ikeja, Lagos: tel: 01-825762,01- 822257. OSOFISAN, Prof. Femi Adeyemi (a.k.a Okinba Launko); NNOM, BA., Ph.D., playwright, univereity teacher, b: June 16,1946; p: Erunwon Ijebu- Ode, Ogun; m: Oyinlola Adenike, 1975; nc: threes, one d; ed: Government College, Ibadan, 1959-65,Univereity oflbadan, 1966^9,1970-74, Univereity ofDakar, Senegal, l%7-68, University ofParis III, France, 1971-73.cn asst Lecturer/snr. Lecturer, DepartmentofModem Languages,University oflbadan, 1973-80,Associatelecturer, DepartmentofEnglish and Theatre Arts,Visiting/ Exchange Senior Lecturerin Comparative Literature, Universite Nationale du Bench, Ume,Togo, Dept des Uttres, Modernes, 1981; Senior Ucturer, DerjartmentofTheatreArtsUniversityoflbadan, 1981 -83;Visitingf. Department ofEnglish, SummerWorkshop in African Drama. (Ran atheatre workshop, and also directed his lay, Farewell to aCannibal Rage), Univereity of Pennslyvania, Philadelphia, United States ofAmerica, 1983; Professor and Head Department ofTheatreArts, Univereity ofBenin, Benin City, 1983-85; visiting Professor ofDrama, DepartmentofEnglish, Ogun State Univereity, 1984-85; visiting ProfessorofDrama, DepartmentofDramaticArts, University ofife, Ile-Ife, (now Obafemi Awolowo Univereity lle-lfe), 1985-86; prof/Head Department ofTheatre Arts, University ofIbadan, 1985; founding mem/ . Literary E, Premier Editorial Board ofThe Guardian, Ugos, 1983-90; Columnist, Nigerian Sunday Times, Ugos, 1990-91; ee. Universities of Nigeria, Nsukka, Port Harcourt and Calabar, 1989-91; Founder/Artistic dir. Centre-Stage-Africa, (the centre for studies inTheatre arid AlternateGenresof Expressions inAfrica,anon-govemment trusteeship organisation since 1991, Founder/Editor, Opon Ife Review,aquarterlyjournal ofthe arts, Primarily for creative writing; Visiting Writer, British Council, Undon, England, 1991, Visiting prof. African American World Studies Programme, Univereity of Iowa, lowaCityand Iowa African and African American Studies Department Luther College Decorah, USA, 1991; Guest Dramatist African Studies Associations, St. Uuis, 1991; visiting prof. (Literatures) Department of English, King Alfreds College, Winchester, England, May, 1992; visiting writer, Inter Nations, The Republic ofGermany 1992; Guest Dramatist, National Black Arts Festival and Emory Univereity Atlanta, United States of An-.erica, 1992, visiting prof. Fall Semester: Emory University Atlanta, 1994; Workshop Theatre, School ofEnglish, Univereity ofLeeds, 1996; Fulbright f. International Writers ProjectUniversityofIowa, Iowa, USA, 1987; Foundation Henri Clewes, U Napoule, France, 1990; Japan Foundation, Tokyo 1991;African Studies and Research Centre, Cornell University Ithaca, USA, 1992; Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest, University, Evanston, USA,'l993; f. Institute ofAfrican Studies and Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Univereity ofEdinburgh, Scotland 1997, (As Resident Artist Scotland Africa 97); mm. Nigerian Association of African and Comparative Literature, Nigerian Association ofLiteraryCritics, dir. National theatre 2000-04; Nigerian Chapter, International Theatre Institute, Nigerian AssociationofTranslatorsand Interpreters, International Comparative Literature Association, Modern Unguages Association ofNigeria, presd. Association ofNigerian Authors, v-presd. West Africa Region, Pan African Writers Association;Grand Patron,GhanaAssociation ofWriters, 199l;Grand Patron ofthe Arts, Pan African Writers Association, 1992; Drama Prize Winner, AssociationofNigerianAuthors for Yungba-Yungba and the Dance Contest, 1993; presd. P.E.N International, (Nigerian Chapter); publ: ARestless Run ofLocusts. Onibonoje Press, Ibadan, 1975; The Chattering and the Song, Ibadan Univereity Press, Ibadan, 1976; Who's AfraidofSolarin? Scholars' Press Calabar, 1978; Once Upon Four Robbers, Bio Educational Publishers, Ibadan, 198(J; Morountoldun andother Plays Longman Publishers, Ugos, 1983; No More the Wasted Breed, Ibadan; Redis Ihe Freedom Road, Ibadan, 1983- Farewell toaCannibalRage. Evans Publishers, Ibadan 1986; Midnight Hotel, Evans Publishers, Ibadan, 1986; The OrikiofA Grassf. jpperin Two Short Plays. New Horn Press, Ibadan, 1987; Alline 's Wrath, Ibadan 1987; Another Raft, Malthouse Press Limited Ugos, 1990; The Inspector andthe Hero, Ibadan, 1990; Fires Bum But They Die Hard, Ibadan, 1990; Esu and the Vagabond Minstrels,New Horn Press, Ibadan \99\;Aringindinandthe Night Watchmen, Heinemann, Ibadan, 1992; Yungba Yungbaandthe Dance Contest, Heinemann, Ibadan, 1993; The Album ofthe Midnight Blackout, University Press PIc, Ibadan, 1994; Twingle-Twangle A-Twynning Tayle, Ungman, Ugos 1995; Many colorsmake the Thunder-king,GvAa\e theatre Publications, Minneapolos USA, 1997, in addition tomany publications in National and International journals aswell asplays for Sate and Television. awards: Winner, Independence Anniversary Essay, First Western Nigerian Broadcasting Service, 1965; Recipient FirstT.M. Aluko Price for Literature, . Government College Ibadan, 1966, Recipient City of Pennsylvania Bell Award for Artist Performance for role inaFlash intheSuri, 1982, First Prize Winner Association ofNigerian Authors' Prize for Literature for the boc'tf Morountodun and other play,Ungman, 1983; PrizeWinner Association of Nigerian Authors Poetry Prize, 1988 for minted coins; Nigerian National OrderofMerit2004; hob: writing, off: DepartmentofTheatreArts, Univereity oflbadan, Ibadan,Oyo State. OSOKA,SirOgaIa; FCII, MFR; insuranceexecutive,administrator, b: December 2, 1949; ht: Port Harcourt so: Rivers; m: Elizabeth Nsolo, 1981; has children; ed: Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Port Harcourt, 1966; Methodist College, Uzuakoli, 1971; City ofUndon College, 1974; Nottingham Univereity, England, 1977; en asstmgr. Unity Life and Fire Insurance Company, 1972-74; mgr. Greig Fester Reinsurance Company, Undon, 1974-77; snr. mgr. Nigeria Reinsurance Corporation, 1977-83; asst. gm. 1983-87; former e-dir. Continental Reinsurance Company Ltd., Owerri, 1987; former md/ceo. National Insurance Corporation ofNigeria, md/ceo. Nigeria ReinsuranceCorporation; dir. Imo Concorde Hotel, Owerri, 1987; mm: assoc Chartered Insurance Institute, 1976; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 1976; West African Insurance Companies Association, 1979; African Insurance Organisation, 1983; ch: Golden Guinea Breweries Pic; dep. presd. Nigerian Institute ofManagement, 2002; f: British Institute of Management 1982;Chartered Insurance Institute, Undon, 1983; nh: Member ofthe Order ofthe Federal Republic (MFR), 2001; publ: Planning Your Retirement, 2009; off: c/oNigeria Reinsurance Corporation, Plot272/273, Central Business District P.M.B. 292,Garki,Abuja.td: 09-5234105,5234674; fax:09-5234214. OSOKOGU, Maj-Gen. Frank Nwayor Nwamenim; M.Sc; soldier, administrator, b: April 22,1956; p: Agbor, ht: Owa-Alero; Iga: Ika North East; so: Delta; m: Chief(Mre.) Joy Nkem Okoh, August 18,1980; nc: three s,one d; ed: St John Roman Catholic School, 1961-67; St. Anthony's, Ubuluuku,l%8-72; Edo College, Benin City, 1973-74; Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna; 1974-76; Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst England, 1976-78; University oflbadan, 2002-04; cr: Commander, 244 LTTK BN, ECOMOG; Colonel, Logistics & Armoured Division, 1999-2002; Commander, 23 Armoured Brigade, 2006; Commander, Armoured Corps, Nigerian Army, 20064)7; ChiefofDefence Researchand Development Plans, Defence Headquarters, currently; Courageous Act: Drove out the Junta in Sierra Leone in 1998; mm: Nigerian Institute ofManagement; ah: Best Arts Cadet Nigerian DefenceAcademy, 1976; John F. Kennedy Price for Literature, 1974; Nigeria Prize^ Royal Military Academy, 1978; tt: Odogwu ofOwa Kingdom; Odogwu-Ukwu ofUteh Kingdom; hob: readingand writing; off: Defence Research and Development Plans, Defence Headquarters, Area 8, Garki Abuja; res: Niger Barracks, House No. 7, Asokoro, Abuja; pha: 56, Okobi Street Boji BojiOwa,Delta State. OSOMO,ChiefAlice Mobolaji; teacher, lawyer, politician; b: June 23,1936; ht: Igbobini; so: Ondo; married, has children; ed: North RidingTeachers Training College, Scarborough UK, InnerTemple London, l%7; cr: comm. for Trade and Industry, Ondo State, 1979, Federal min. for Establishment and Management services, 1993-95; dir. ofNicon Insurance, since 2002; hob: classical and indigenousmusic,counsellingandcooking;off: Niconlnsurance Corporation, Abuja. gm. Haco Ltd., 1985; gm. St. George's Productions Ltd., 1986-88; ceo. St. George's Publicity Ltd., since 1988; mm: Nigeria InstituteofManagement 1982; Nigeria MarketingAssociation, since 1989, Nigeria Institute ofPublic Relations, 1989; Advertising Practitioners Council ofNigeria, since 1993. pp: PublicityAdviserto Ugos State ch. defunct National Party ofNigeria; Publicity Consultant to Ogun State ch. National Party ofNigeria. publ: Nigeria sAdvertisingin the 1980 s: The Role ofthe Communication Media. Management in Nigeria, 1981. sc: Old Sigmites Association, Ugos, since 1978; Island Club, Ugos, 1986; Club 72, Nakanda, Lagos, 1991: hob: swimming, tennis, chess, scrabble, off: St. George's Publicity, 15, Bode Thomas Road, Onipanu, P.O. Box 3222, Ikeja, Lagos: tel: 01-825762,01- 822257.
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