OTTI, Dr. Pauline Ngozi

BA, Ph.D, soci ologist, born March2, 1943,Zaria, Kaduna State; married Otti 1968, two sons, two daughters; Education: Queen of Apostles College, Kaduna, University Tutorial Col lege, London, 1964, University College of Swansea, Wales, 1965-67, University of Durham,England, 1967-69, London School of Economics andPolitical Science, Univer sity of London, UK, 1971-72, University of Jos, 1982;Career: Appointed Lecturer, De partment of Sociology, University of Jos, 1976-77; member. Management Board, Na tional Eye Centre, Kaduna, 1979-81; Senior Lecturer, Department ofCommunity Health, University of Jos, since 1983; Head, Depart ment of Community Health, Unijos, 1985- 86; member, Sub-Committee on Curricu lum Development, Population Education for Nigeria, UNESCO/NERC, 1985; Co ordinator, Primary Health Care and Com munity Health Officers' Training Course, Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos, 1986; Resource Writer, Population Educa tion Programme; member, Nigerian Anthropological and Sociological Associa tion; member, British Association of Social Workers; member, Population Association of Nigeria; National Vice-Patron, Handball As sociation ofNigeria, 1983; Awards: Noel Buxton Award, University College of Swansea, Wales, 1966; UK Home Office Award, London, 1971; Merit Award for out standing State Chairperson of the Year (by Handball Association ofNigeria), 1982; Publications: "Some Sociocultural Con straints To Health Education in the Nigerian, Setting" International Journal of Health Edu cation, Vol. I, 1982; "Population And Fam ily Life" In Population Education Mono graph, UNESCO/Nigeria Educational Re search Council, Lagos, 1985; in addition to many articles in national and international journals; Hobbies: sports, photography, religious retreats, meditation; Official and Home Address: Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University ofJos, Plateau State; Telephone: 073-55706.
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