OVELARAN, Dr. Philip Akande

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; university teacher, researcher, b: June3,1952; p: Kumasi,Ghana;m: MaryOmolara,1984; nc: ones,oned; ed: ModernCityAcademy,Kumasi,Ghana,1958-69;Ahmadiyya Grammar School, Ibadan, Oyo State, 1970-73;Univereityoflbadan, Oyo State, 1975-78; UnivereityCollege, Undon, United Kingdom, 1990. cr: GraduateAssistant 1980-83;Assistant Lecturer, 1983-86;LecturerII, 1986- 90;Lecturer 1,1990-94;SeniorLectiuer,suice 1994;ActmgHeadofDepartment ofArcheologyandAnthropology,Univereity oflbadan,Oyostate, 1997; mm: Archaeological AssociatioribfNigeria, since 1990,Palynological Association ofNigeria,since1985; sec, Ogbomoso RoyalGents,Ogbomoso, OyoState, WestAfricaArchaeological Association,since 1980;WorldArchaeological Congress;since 1986. ah: CommonwealthAcademic Staff Development Scholarship, 1990;RoyalSociety, BritishAcademy ofScience, Fellowship, since 1996;AcademicVisitor,InstituteofArchaeology,UnivereityofUndon, 1996-97. publ: MagneticSusceptibilityStudiesofEsaponds sedimentsin Ijfe-ljumu, Kwara State, 1991,- Role ofhumanagency invegetation changes in South-Western Nigeria, NCGC, Jos, Plateau State, 1994;and over 10 other publications, hob:reading, travelling, watchingmovies, off: Department ofArchaeology andAnthropology, Univereity oflbadan,OyoState; res:5, Phillipson Road,Univereity oflbadan, Ibadan, OyoState.
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