OWOLABI Revd. (Dr.) Awoju Jacob

B.A, PGD, M.A, Ph.D; lecturer, theologian, lecturer, administrator, b: December 8,1953; p:Ogori; h:Ogori; Iga: Ogori-Magongo; so: Kogi; married; nc: two s, two d; ed: Immanuel CollegeofTheoIogy, Ibadan, 1979-81; UnivereityofIlorin, 1984-88; 1989; 2000-04; cr: Tutor,Fatima CommunityCollegeEkan-Maje, 1981 -83,Tutor, Cherubim andSeraphim College, 1983-91,Tutor, QueenofApostles'College, 1991 -94;VicePrincipal (Academics), Government Science Secondary School, Ogori-Magongo, 2000-05; Deputy Directorof Education, Titicombe College, Egbe,2000-05; CourseCoordinator, Christian Theology, National Open Univereity ofNigeria, since 2006; PartTime Ucturer, General Studies, UnivereityofIlorin, 1995-%; Part-time Ucturer,College ofEducation, Ilorin; Lecturer, BishopCrowtherCollegeofTheoIogy,Okene, Kwara StateCollege of Education; Centre forHigher StudiesinAffiliationwiththeUnivereity of Ado-Ekiti; Facilitator,Yaba StudyCentre, National Open Univereity ofNigeria; publ:PovertyandPopulation inNigeria, An Exegesis ofScriptural Accounts Onah (ed.) inReligion Ethics and Population Development, Uyo, TheNigerian Association forthe Study of Religions, 2007; Research Methods, Ugos CourseMaterial, National Open Univereity ofNigeria, 2006; The Major ReligiousGroupsinNigeria. Ugos, 2008;Common Themes inChristianity andIslam, Ugos, 2007;etc;off: SchoolofArts andSocialSciences,National Open Univereity ofNigeria, Ugos; pha: G 52, Okesi Street,Ogori,Kogi State.
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