OYELAKIN, Lawrence Oladejo Olufolahan

administrator, diplomat, born June 13, 1936, Wakajaye-Gbongan, Oyo State; married Elizabeth Ablaba Birch 1970, four sons, four daughters; Education: St Paul's Primary School, Gbongan, 1944-52, Kennington Col lege, London, 1960-61, Regent Polytechnic, London, 1961-62, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA, 1964-65; Confidential Secretary, Nigerian Railway Corporation, 1956-64; Held various Administrative Posi tions in the defunct Western Nigeria Public Service, 1964-68; Second and First Secretary, Nigerian Embassy, Lome, Togo, 1970-72; First Secretary, Nigerian Embassy, Bonn, West Germany, 1972-74; Head, Accreditation Divi sion, Ministry of External Affairs, Lagos, 1974-75; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Nigeria High Commission, Nairobi, Kenya, 1975-79; Acting High Commissioner, Nairobi, Kenya, January-August, 1978; Head, Finance and Budget Division, Ministry of External Af fairs, Lagos, 1979-81 and Secretary, Foreign Service Review Panel, 1980-81; Minister and Deputy Head of Mission, Nigerian Embassy, Dublin, Ireland, 1981-84 and Bonn, West Ger many, 1984-85; Acting Director, Office of the Minister of External Affairs, Lagos, 1986-87; appointed Nigerian Ambassador to the People's Republic of the Congo, since September 1987; Associate Member, Corpora tion of Secretaries, London, 1962; Associate Member, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, London, since 1970; fellow, Royal Economic Society, London; fellow, Society of Commercial Teachers, Lon don; Hobbies: writing, walking, photography; Official Addresss: Embassy of Nigeria, B.P.790, Brazzaville, People's Republic ofthe Congo; Telephone: 831316, 832749; Home: 1 Rue L'amitie, Quarter Olympic Palace, Braz zaville, The People's Republic of the Congo; Telephone: 834959
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