OYELEYE, Prof. David Ajibade

B.A, M.A, Ph.D; geographer, academic, administrator; b:June22,1940; p: Iwere-Ue; ht: Iwere-Ile; Iga: Iwajowu; so: Oyo;m: Mubowale,November 10,1966; nc: two s, one d; cd: BaptistDay School,Isia,Okeho, 1948-53; Ucal AuthorityTeachers* College, 1961-64; 68-69; UniversityofUndon King'sCollege, 1974-76; en Teacher.Awe High School,1964-66; V-Principal, 1966-70; Ag. Principal, June-December, 1967; Lecturer II,Univereity ofUgos College ofEducation, 1970-73;Ucturer I, DeptofGeography, UnivereityofUgos, 1973-77;Snr. Ucturer, 1977-83; Associate Professor, 1983-94; ProfessorofGeography, Univereity of Ugos, 1994-2004; RetiredProf, ofGeography, 2004;Ag Head,Dept.ofGeography, 1989-92; Prof. ofGeography,1994-2004; Head,Dept.ofGeography,1997- 01; Retired Professoron Contract with the Council of Unilag, 2004-06; Retired Professor, since 2006; mm: FacultyofArts ResearchCommittee, 1984-86; ch.,Faculty of Environmental Science Research Committee, 1986- 89; 1990-92; Editor, Occasional Publications, Dept.ofGeography, Univereity ofUgos, 1979-83; Department Representative, BoardofJustice, Facultyof Education, 1976-92; Faculty ofArtsAppointmentsandPromotions Committee forNon-Professorial Post,1984-86; SeniorStaffAppointmentsandWelfare Committee, 1979-80;1987-88;92; Student Admission Advisory andWelfare Committee, 1979-81; 1980-81;FieldTrip Committee; StatutoryCommittee ofLUCONSULT, 1988-85;Chairman,1989-92;mm: NigerianGeographical Association; Institute of British Geographers; Association of American Geographers; Nigerian Economic Society; Committee on High School Geography setupbytheNGA, 1979-84; h:Commonwealth Scholarship for Ph.DProgramme tenableatthe UniversityofUndon,Awarded bythe British Government, 1974-76; publ: Author,SpartialExpansion andConcominant Problem intheLagosMetropolitanArea: OccasionalpaperinGeography, No. 1, Dept ofGeography, OniversityofUgos, pp.1-159,1981; The Impact ofPublic-Assisted Houseon lntra-Urban Residential Mobility in Partof Lagos Metropolitan Area, InSpartialExpansionandConcominant Problems in the Lagos Metropolitan Area, No.l, pp.77-94, 1981; Inter-Temporal Changes intheFarmSettlementSchemeofSouthern Nigeria, a Chapterin Modern Geographic Trends, Editedby P. Pandey, RanduUnivereity, Randu, India, pp.507-532,1984; AgricultureCooperativesincomparative Perspective, The Caseofthe United Kingdom and Nigeria, Dept. ofGeography and Planning, Univereity ofUgos, pp.1-51,1984;""Towards a PolicyofRural Development in the Third World with Special Reference to Nigeria", Heinemann Educational Book Ltd., Ibadan, pp.53-64;"SpartialDisparities inAgricultural Infrastructure inSouthern Nigeria",ATechnicalResearch Paper,May,pp.1-60,1990; Agricultural Development in Nigeria: ACase Study ofthe UtilityofAgro-ServiceSystem, GeographyDepartmentFederal Univereity ofTechnology,Yola,pp.I-20,1993; ProcessandCausesofLand- Use/Cover Changes in two EcologicalZonesin Nigeria, Oxford& 1BH PublishingCo.Pvt,Ltd.,pp.169-176,2000; The Dictionary ofGeography, Johns-Lad Publishers, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, pp.251, 2001; Settlement Geography, University ofUgos Press, Akoka,Yaba, Lagos, pp.491,2002; The Constraints toAgricultural Development inMger/o,Univereity oflfe, . lle-lfe, 1977;Tobacco Cultivation inOyoDivision, Western Nigeria, Nigerian Geographical Journal, 14(2), pp. 165-185,1971; Field Work inGeography: SomePossible Approaches ina Rural andan Urban Setting, WestAfrica JournalofEducation, 17(2), Univereityoflbadan, pp.263-270; "Aicuhural Land-useinOyoDivision ViewedAgainsttheBackgroundofThunen s Theory ofLandUtilization",Journal ofTropical Geography,37(2), pp.39-52,1973; " Fishery Resources intheWestern State ofNigeria'.NigerianGeographical Journal, 16(2), pp.119-136, 1973; The Constraints to Agricultural Development in Nigeria,Journal ofBusinessand SocialStudies, I(2), New Series,pp.1-15,1978; Co-Operative Versus NonCo-operative Farming in PartofOyoState, Western Nigeria, vol.21 (2), pp.101-118, 1978; Recent Trends inCattle Rearing in Western Nigeria,The Geographer, vol.7,pp.61 - 79; "TheApplication ofGISto Utility Management: ACaseStudy ofLekki Peninsular PhaseI Estate"GeographicInformation System Review,vol.2, 2004; and many other publications; Deacon,Yaba Baptist Church, since 1994;ch., Anita Roper Education Endowment Fund,Yaba BaptistChurch, 1995-05; Patron, Iwere-Ile ProgressiveUnion,since 1996;sc: Member,Oke- Ogun Club; He would like to be remembered as a dedicated teacherwho taught at the primary,secondaryand tertiary level and who took delight in watching his students grow big in life; hob: table tennis, walking; off: Department ofGeography, UniversityofUgos; res: PlotNo.4, Block 168, Ipaja,NewTown, Ipaja, Lagos; e-m:[email protected]; tel:08033337531; pha: lleAiyegun, Iwere-Ile,Oyo State.
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