OYENUGA, Prof. Emeritus Victor Adenuga

B.Sc, Ph.D, D.Sc, agriculturist, university teacher, administration, born April 9, 1917, Isonyin, Ijebu, Ogun State; married Sabinah Babafunmike Onabajo 1950,three sons, two daughters; Education: Emmanuel School, Ado Ekiti, 1930-32, Ekiti Central School (now Christ School), Ado-Ekiti, 1933, Emmanuel School, Isonyin, Ijebu-Ode, 1930, Wasimi African Church School, Ijebu-Ode, 1934, Durham University, Kings College, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, 1945-51; Ca reer: Appointed Teacher, Anglican Church Mission, Ijebu, 1935-42; Clerical Officer, Nigerian Colonial Government Medical Headquarters, Lagos, 1942-45; Senior Lec turer in Animal Nutrition, University of Ibadan, 1958-61; Head, Sub-department of Agricultural Chemistry & Soil Science, Uni versity of Ibadan; appointed Professor of Agriculture and Head, Department ofAgri culture, University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), 1961-64; Dean, Fac ulty of Agriculture, University of Ife, 1962- 64; Head, Department of Agricultural Chem istry and Soil Science, University of Ibadan, 1964-66; Head, Department of Animal Sci ence, University of Ibadan, 1966-77; Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Veteri nary Science, 1966-69; appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, 1972- 76; Professor bf Animal Production & Nu trition, Bio-Chemistry, University of Ibadan, 1977-79; Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, University of Port Harcourt, 1992- 93; Fellow,Royal Society of Chemists, Lon don, 1959; Fellow, Academy of Science, Nigeria, 1977; Fellow, Science Association ofNigeria, 1977; Honorary Fellow, Nigerian Agricultural Economic Society, 1977; Hon orary Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Food Sci ence and Technology, 1978; Fellow, Nige rian Society for Animal Production, 1987; Fellow, Nutrition Society ofNigeria, 1988; Life Fellow, International Biographical As sociation, Cambridge, England, 1989; Fel low, African Academy of Science, 1995; member, Scientific Council for Africa, 1962- 63,1972-74; member, Executive Committee, World Association of Animal Production, 1974-87; member, Executive Committee, International Grassland Congress, 1977-87; member, British Nutrition Society, 1953-80; Chairman, Commission II & member, Steer ing Committee, FAO - 2nd World Congress, The Hague, Netherland, 1970;member, Edi torial Advisory Board, Institute ofScientific Information (current content of Agriculture), Food & Veterinary Science), Philadelphia, USA, 1969-94; member, American Society of Animal Production, 1960-68, 1976-80; member, American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, 1960-68, 1969-80; member,of Council, International Society for Research & Vital Substances, Hanover, Ger many, 1969-82; member, U.S. National Academy of Science (National Research Council Committee'on African Agricultural Research Capability, Washington DC, USA, 1971-72; Consultant to FAO - United Na tions, 1962-65; Consultant to UN's Section on the Application of Science & Technol ogy, 1970-71; member, Founding Commit tee, United Nations University, 1973;mem ber, Board of Trustee, Centra International De Agriculture Tropical, Cali, Columbia, 1974-77; member, Organising Committee, Xth International Congress of Nutrition, Tokyo, 1975; member, Editorial Advisory Board, "Livestock Production Science" Jour nal ofThe European Association for Animal Production, 1973-88; member, Editorial Advisory Board, "Biological Conservation International Journal, 1973-75; member, ILSU 17th Assembly, Althen, 1978; mem ber, ICSU's Standing Committee on the Safe guard ofthe Pursuit ofScience, 1978-84; Af rican Correspondence, Nutritional Abstracts and Review, Aberdeen, UK, 1980-89; Chair man/Managing Director, VABO Agricultural Industries Limited, Ibadan; Chairman, Agricultural & Allied Trade Group, Ibadan Chamberof Commerce, 1989-92; TheShepherd- in-Charge, Ogo Oluwa Parish of Celes tial Church of Christ, Ibadan, since 1984; Awards/Honours: Recipient, African Nutri tion Awardin Recognition of Invaluable and extensive contribution to the improvementof Nutrition on the Continent", 1979; recipient, Gold Merit Award by Animal Science As sociation of Nigeria. (1st Award), 1997; re cipient, Distinguished Pioneers Award by the department ofAnimal Science at the Golden Jubilee of the Foundation of the University of Ibadan, 1998; Foreign Honour: Recipi ent, "Certificate of Achievement, for Partici pating in USAID Technical Co-operation Programme Department of State, by the U.S.A. Government, 196i; Honorary Degree: Doctor ofScience (Honoris Causa), of the University ofIfe (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, 1977; Doctor ofScience (Honoris Causa) of Ogun State University, Ago Iwoye, 1996; Doctor of Agriculture (HonorisCausa)ofUniversityofAgriculture, Abeokuta, 1998; Publications: Agriculture in Nigeria, FAG, 1967; Nigeria's Food and Feeding Stuffs: Their Chemistry and Nutri tive Value, 3rd edition, Ibadan University Press, 1968; Co-author, Animal Production in the Tropics, Heinemann Educational Books, Ibadan, 1974; "Our Needs and Re sources in Food and Agriculture, 1989 Lugard Lectures, Ministry of Information, Lagos, 1960; in addition to over 205 scien tific articles in national and international learned journals; Hobbies: gardening, table tennis, religion; Official Address: VABO Agricultural Industries Limited PMB 63, UI Post Office, Ibadan, Telephone: 02-810- 3993, 810-1490; Home: 34, Awolowo Av enue, Bodija Estate, Ibadan, Oyo State; Tele phone: 02-810-3993, 8101490.
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