OYESIKU, Prof. Olukayode Oyekanmi

B.Sc, MURP,MA, Ph.D.; academic, urban & regional planner, administrator, b: May 31,1957; p: Ugos; bt: Abeokuta; Iga: Abeokuta South; so:Ogun; m:Adesola Faustina Adebayo, 1985; nc:one s,one d; ed: St David's Primary School,Ufiaji, Ugos, 1963- 70; BaptistBoys' HighSchool,Abeokuta, 1971 -75;The Polytechnic, Ibada, 1975-77; Univereity oflbadan, Ibadan, 1977-80,1981-83; University of Benin, Benin City, 1986-90;Institute ofSocial Studies, The HtSgiie, The Netherlands, 1990-91; en snr.Teacher/Instructor, CollegeofArts andArabic Studies, Sokoto, 1980-81; ag.ceo.Sagamu Zonal TownPlanning Authority, Town PlanningOfficer I,Ogun State Ministry ofUndsand Housing, Abeokuta, 1981-82; asst. Ucturer, Ogun State Univereity (now Olabisi-Onabanjo University),Ago-Iwoye, 1984-86;Ucturer II, 1986-89;Ucturer 1,1989-92; snr.Ucturer/Cc-ordinator, Postgraduate Programmes inTransportation, 1992- 95;Head, Department ofGeographyand Regional Planning, 1994-95,2001- 04; Reader, Urban and Regional Planning,since1995; Head, Departmentof Geography and RegionalPlanning, 1995-96;v-prof. Department ofUrban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Polytechnic, 1996-97; ag. Dean, faculty of Social andManagement Sciences,Olabisi Onabanjo Univereity, 1997-1999; Dean, FacultyofSocial and Management Sciences, 1999-2000,2004-05; prof.Urban Regional Planning, 2001;v-c.TaiSolarin University ofEducation, Ijagun, Ogun State, since 2005; mm: Department Research Programme Committee, Olabisi Onabanjo University, 1983-90; sec. Departmental Academic, 1983-84; Departmental Curriculum DevelopmentCommittee, 1984- 90, Univereity Inter-Faculty Sports Programme, 1984-90;Editorial Boardof Departmental Publication, 1986-90; Co-ordinator, DepartmentalPhysical PlanningPracticeProgramme, 1986-90, FacultyofSocial and Management Sciences Research Committee 1986-90; DepartmentalBusiness Manager, 1987-90; Departmental Committee on Postgraduate Programmes and Curriculum Development, 1987-90; Co-ordinator, Departmental Final Year Undergraduates Projects, 1988-90; Faculty ofSocialandManagementSciences Staff Review andAppraisalPanel, 1989-90;BoardofInstituteofEducation CurriculumDevelopmentOgun State Univereityin conjunctionwith'Ogun State College ofEducation, 1990-92; Co-ordinator, Postgraduate Degree Programmesin Transportation Studies, 1992-96;Zaac OsosanyaChairof Accounting, FacultyofSocial and Management Sciences Board,since 1997: Alhaja Sidikatu Mosumola Balogun Chair of Environment and Physical Planning, FacultyofSocial and Management Science Board, since 1997; UniversityCentre for Sandwich Programme Board, since 1997; University Postgraduate School Board, since 1997; University Appointment and Promotion Committee, since 1997, University Development Committee, since 1997, University Development Committee, since 1997, University Committee of Deansand Provosts,since 1997;Town Planners Registration CouncilofNigeria; WorldConferenceof Transport ResearchSociety,USA: Chartered Institute of Transport. London; Ibadan Socio-Economic Study Group; Governing Council, Tai Solarin University ofEducation (TSUE), ljagun,since 2005; Financeand General PurposesCommittee,TSUE,since 2005; Trust Foundation. TSUE, since 2005; ch. Faculty of Social and ManagementSciences. BoardofStudies, Olabisi Onabanjo University. 1997- 2000: UniversityExaminationMalpractice Committee, 1997;LandSpace Allocation Committee, 2001-2005; Legal Committee, 2001-05; Open University Institute Committee ofthe Senate, 2002-05 Senate, Tai Solarin University of Education (TSUE), ljagun, since 2005; Appointment and PromotionCommittee,TSUE, since 2005; Development Committee,TSUE, since 2005; Management Committee. TSUE. since 2005; c-c: Centre for Urban Planning Studies, Lagos State University. Ojo, 2000-05; Centre for Urbanand Regional Planning, Universityoflbadan,Ibadan.2001-05;award: LongServiceAward,Counciland Senate,OlabisiOnabanjo University, Ago- Iwoye,2004; Mert Award, Nigerian Institute ofTown Planners, Ogun State, 2005,2006; WorthyAchiever Award, Facultyofthe Social Sciences, Olabisi Onabanjo University, 2006; Leadershipin Nigeria MeritAward. TimeNews, 2006; DistinguishedAlumnusAward.UniversityofBenin AlumniAssociation, LagosZone, 2006; ah: Best Student in Mathematics, Chemistry,Geography, Facultyof Natural Sciences, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State, 1975-76; federal Government Postgraduate Scholarship, 1981-83; Senior l-'ulbright Research Scholar Award, United States Government, 1996-97; f: The Netherlands Government Fellowship, 1990-91; Virginia Polytechnic and University Fellow; publ: Understanding Multiple Regression Analysis. Higher Education Book Publishers, Lagos, 1995; Modem Urban and Regional PlanningLawandAdministration in Nigeria. Ashgate Publishers, London, 1997;and severalother books,monographs, journalarticlesand chapters in books;hob: lawn tennis,swimming; off: Tai Solarin Universityof Education, ljagun. Ijebu-Ode,Ogun State; res: 1,Olufumnilayo Close, offlgbcba Road, Ijebu-Ode, OgunState; tel: 08055438850.08063227788.
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