OYEYIPO, Ezekiel Adeyemi Ore

MA, ad ministration management consultant, born October 15, 1932, Esie, Irepodun, Kwara State; married Alice Ibidunni Oyeladun Afolabi 1958, three sons, three daughters; Education: St Michael's School, Esie, Kwara State, 1939-48, United College of Commerce, Warri, 1949-50, Abbot's Insti tute, Sapele, 1951-52, Home Tuition, 1953- 61, Institute of Administration, Zaria, 1962- 63, Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1967, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Ten nessee, USA, 1971-72; Career: Appointed Clerk, Northern Nigeria Civil Service, 1954- 58; Executive Officer (Lands and Mines), Ministry of Lands and Survey, defunct North ern Nigeria, 1959-60; Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Information, Northern Nigeria, 1961 -62; Secretary, Northern Nigeria Com mittee on Prerogative of Mercy, 1962-63; As sistant Secretary, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Northern Nigeria and acted as Chief of Pro tocol to the former Premier of Northern Ni geria, Sir Ahmadu Bello, 1962-63; District Officer, Minna District (now Niger State) and Magistrate Grade III and Coroner, 1963-64; Co-ordinator, Deployment of Staff and shar ing of office equipment and furniture to the six newly created civil services in the defunct Nor them Region, 1967-68; assigned to assist the 1st Division (Rear), Nigerian Army, during the civil war, 1967-68; Senior Assis tant Secretary and Head ofOrganisation and Methods Unit, Ministry of Establishments and Training, defunct Northern Nigeria, 1968; Under Secretary (Establishments), Ministry of Finance, Kwara State, 1968-71; Permanent Secretary (now Director-Gen eral), Kwara State Military Governor's Of fice, Ilorin, 1971, Ministry of Trade and In dustry, 1972-73, Ministry of Lands, Survey and Environment, 1973-75, Ministry ofEdu cation, 1976-77; Ministry of Local Govern ment, Information and Social Development, Kwara State, 1977-79; ChiefAdministration Consultant and Co-ordinator, Local Govern ment Staff Training Programme, Ahmadu Bello University Zone (consisting of8 states and Abuja), 1979-87; Head, Department of Local Government Studies, Institute of Ad ministration, ABU, Zaria, 1982-87; ap pointed Special Adviser (on Local Govern ment Affairs) to the Chief of General Staff, General Staff. Headquarters, Lagos, 1988; member, Board of Governors, Institute of Administration, ABU, Zaria, 1968-71; mem ber, National Council on Establishments (ac tively involved) in the Implementation ofthe Elwoodand Asabia Grading Reports), 1968- 71; member, Advisory Council, National Provident Fund, 1969-71; member, Kwara State Scholarships Board, 1968-71,1976-77; member. Working Party, Kwara State Col lege of Technology, Ilorin, 1970-71; Chair man, Committee on Civil Service Uniform, Kwara State Civil Service, 1972-73; mem ber, Kwara State Investment Corporation, 1972-73; Chairman, Kwara State Commit tee on All-African Games, 1973; member, Task Force on the Udoji Salary Review Com mission, 1973-74; member, Governing Coun cil, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1976-77; member, Governing Council, Kwara State College of Technology, Ilorin, 1976-77; member, Com mittee of Model National Financial Memo randa (for use in the Local Government Trea suries), 1978-79; member, National Advisory Board on National Identification System, 1978-79; member, Transition Committee, Governor Adebayo's Administration, Kwara State, 1983; member (and Chairman oftour ing Group Zone C), National Committee on the Review of Local Government Adminis tration in Nigeria, 1984; Chairman, Kwara State Town Planning Authority, since 1984; Chairman, 9-man Committee on Draft Na tional Scheme Service for Local Government Employees, 1986; Associate member, Cor poration of Secretaries, 1961; member, Board of Directors, Gaskiya Corporation, 1963-64; fellow, Royal Economic Society, UK, since 1966; Associate member, Char tered Institute of Secretaries, 1970; mem ber, American Economic Association, since 1972; member, Nigerian Economic Society, since 1973; Diocesan Registrar, Anglican Diocese of Kwara, since 1974; honourary fel low, Nigerian Institution of Estate Survey ors and Valuers, since 1976; member, Nige rianSociety forthe Handicapped,since 1976; member, British Institute of Management, 1978 and its fellow, since 1980; member, Nigerian Institute of Management, 1978;mem ber, Nigerian Institute of Personnel Man agement, 1978; member, Management Com mittee, Torrey Home for Mentally Retarded Children, Zaria, since 1980, and its Direc tor, since 1983; appointed Civilian Deputy Governor, Kwara State Military Government, 1990-92; Chairman, People's Bank ofNige ria, 1992-94; fellow, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators; fellow, Ni gerian Institute of Management; member, Rotary Club ofIlorin, 1977-79; Traditional Title: Toyese of Omu-Aran; Otunoba of Irese Land, Igbaja, Kwara State; Publica tions: Co-Editor, "Local Government In KwaraState - Progress Report" In New Lo cal Government system In Nigeria, Heinemann Education Books, 1979; "Con straints to Planning and Plan Implemen tation The Case ofKwara State Ministry of Education" In Planning and Plan Implementation, CSER, ABU, Zaria, 1979; Co-editor, Local Government as Vehiclefor National Development, Functional Relationships Between State and Local Governments: Primary Education; in addition to many ar ticles published in national and international learned journals; Hobbies: walking, swim ming, reading; Official Address: 7, Police Road, GRA, Ilorin Kwara State. Telephone: 031-223-565; Home: Lagos State Property Development Corporation Estate, Victoria Island, Lagos State.
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