OZOR, Prof Patrick Thomas E.

Date of Birth: Monday (Nkwo) 3"' March, 1947 State of Origin: Anambra Local Government Area: Anaocha Village/Town: Adazi-Ani Professor PatrickThomas E. Ozoh is a renowned university teacher, an Environmental Managementand Toxicology expert. He is currently Professor of Environmental Management andToxicology at the Federal University of Technology. (FUTO) Owerri.Hevvas bornon 3,li March 1947 atAdazi-Ani. Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State. Professor Ozoh did most of his studies in Europe before coming lo serve and work in Nigeria with his expertise. Education • Uppsala University Sweden. B.Sc and M.Sc consecutively 1975.and 1979 • University of Hull. England UK PhD in Zoology with micro-specialization in Toxicology 1986 • University ofAlexandria Egypt 1980. Certificate in Dating and Primary Productivity Measurement. Indian Veterinary Research Institute . Izantnage. Certificate in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 2004 Job Experience • Assistant Lecturer, Uppsala University 1979 • Lecturer. Federal Universily of Technology Owerri, 1981 • Associate Professor at FUTO 1992. • Created a Professor of Environmental Management and Toxicology. ( FUTO) 1995 Contributions to Academia and Research • Served as a classroom lecturer and supervised many projects from bachelors to Masters and Doctorate degrees • Served as Dean . School of Science and Post graduate Studies . Madonna University Okija . Anambra Stale • Instructional Facilitator. Nigerian Open University • Editorial Advisor to Bio-Ref. Universily of Nigeria Nsukka • Consultant on Environmental Impact Assessment • Lectured the Military on Biological Warfare • Regular presenter of talks on Radio/TV on Ecotoxicological and Enlightenment Campaign Membership of Academic and Professional Bodies • Member, the Prestigious New York Academy of Science since 1996 • Member, A&S ( USA) • Member. APCA 1979 Membership of Social and Non-Professional Organisations Patron of Education in Anaocha L.G.A. 1998 and 2005 Patron Anaocha Students Union. FUTO Branch 2005 • Patron Adazi Ani Graduate Association 1998 • Church Group Leader. St Peter's Church Adazi-Ani- as a Christian he professes and witnesses that without God. mankind can do nothing. His scientific knowledge humbled him to discover that all life begins with God and all knowledge comes from Him Publications and Research Completed • Studies on Intrapeutoneal Toxicity of Publication 1979 • Effects of Dyestuff effluents 1984 • Studies of Toxicity of copper 1980 • Adsorphin of Cotton faonc dystn+ 1997 • Micro bial quality of'pap' Effects of xenobiotics on aquatic life 1995 • University Students sewage treatment in Nigeria 2005 • It is interesting to note that Professor Ozoh's journal articles have been reproduced in over ten research books and journals since 1980 and used in University teaching overseas. He distinguished himself in the originality of his research method and approach in his teaching profession. I lis long term project is the Research on heavy metal Pollution on early life stages of animals carried out in Uppsala University Sweden 1975 1995 .Awards and Prizes • Distinction in zoomophorlogy, Uppsala Universily Sweden 1975 • Commonwealth Scholar 1973 • Education Uplifting Award 2000 Hobbies include bird watching, lawn tennis game. ProfessorOzoh is happily married and has children. His advice to the youths is in the words of Socrates, the Greek Philosopher, in Plato's Symposium . hence. 'It is grace and not brutestrength that should count for most. for it is not the wolf or any oflhe lowly animals that can engage in any fine dangerous conlests but thai 'goodman '. Ile points out lo the Igbo Leadership that 'Consistency in championing your cause and not to be carried awayby vagaries oflhe moment. Ourcharactershould be nobleand exemplary to copy and imitate. Showgenerosityto strangers because you will notknow when you meetAngels ofGod. UnityofPurpose epitomizesnobilityand even temper'.
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