PEARSE, Dr. Gabriel Adetokunbo

BA, MA, Ph.D.; linguist lecturer, consultant b: June 1,1948; so: Ugos; m: Married; nc:two; ed:St Gregory's College, Ugos, 1962-67; Uyola College. Ibadan, 1968-69; AhmaduBello University(KanoCampus), 1975; University ofSheffield, UK, 1976; University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wise, USA, 1977; 1985;cr: asst. Lecturer, DepartmentofEnglish, Bayero University, NYSC, Kano, 1975-76; Lecturer inEnglish, Ugos State College ofScience and Technology, Isolo, 1978-80; Graduate asst Departmentof English, University ofSheffield,UK, 1982-84; adj. prof. Columbia College, Chicago, Il./St. Uuis University, Romeovile, 1986-92; adj. assoc. prof. Department ofBlack & Pueto RicanStudies, Hunter College, New York, 1993-98; asst prof. Department of English, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 2000-24; adj.assocprof. Departmentof Africana Studies, Brooklyn College, NY,2004-06; snr. Lecturer, Department ofEnglish, University ofUgos,since 2006; dir. Admissions, Bayero University, Kano, 1995-76; University Without Walls Program, Chicago State University, Chicago. USA, 1986-89; Intergovernmental Affairs and Community Relations, Office oftheClerk of Cook County, Chicago, II, USA, 1991 -93; v-presd. Brentwood International Bank, NewYork, 1993-94; dir. Inter-Company, USA, Headquartered in Dominican Republic, 1994-97;v-presd: Cambridge Capital Holding Management Company, 1998-2000; USABusiness Agentto International Consultant toCap Haitian Chamberof Commence inthe Cityof Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 1998-2002; ChiefOperations Officer, Unity Real Estate DevelopmentCorporation, NY,2002:06; National Director, ACORN,since 2006; Consultant to Mayor Harold Washington, First Black MayorofChicago, 1986-87; Hon. Clarence Norman's re-election Campaign for NewYork State Assembly; Working Families Party, 1997-98; Hon. George Pataki insuccessful re-election as Governqr ofNew York State,2000; Child Healthcare and Nutritional Goals through Education, 1993-2006; cb: International Task Force for Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition, Chicago, II., USA, 198890; Protocol Committee for International Conference of Black Mayors Meeting inChicago, 1991; b: Honorary Co-chair, National Republican Congressional Committee's Business Advisory Council, New York State, 1998-2000; George BushPresidentialCommittee, NewYorkRegion, 1999-2000; award: National MeritAward, Republican Party Political Organization, 2000; Community Leader Award forContribution to Education inNew York,Association of Progressive Panamanians, New York State, 2002; publ: 13 Essays, Five Reviews Essays, 12 Reviews; off: Department of English, University of Lagos; res: 7, Araoti Street, Yaba, Lagos; tel: 08066251045;
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