RABI’U, Alh, Ahmad

MBA; accountant, administrator; b: April 12.1958; p: Babura: lit: I3abura; Iga: Babura: so: Kano;m: Rahinatu andRabiatu, December 8,1984;nc:fours, three d; cd: Danbatta/Butta Primary Schools: Danbatta Government Secondary School; Kaduna State Polytechnic, 1977-82; Bayero University, Kano. 1991-93; cr: d-Group Accountant. Dantata Organisation Limited. 1983-90; mgr. Dantata Investments and Securities Company Limited. 1984-99; Group Accountants; Managing Partner. Ahmad Rabin and Company, since 1999;prcsd./cc. MashashaInvestmentand Comm.Co. Limited,since 1999;Adviser, Corporate Investment; ch:Apparel Communications Limited; Transroyal Limited; Presto Consult Limited: Kano StateCapital Trade Point Committee, since 2001; presd: Nigerian Shippers Council; mm: Port Operations Committee ofthe Nigerian Shippers Council, 1999; Shippers Protection Advisory Committee, Nigerian Shippers Council, 1993-99; Pioneer mm: Investments andSecurities Tribunal; Tix-Officio Councilof NACCIMA; Kano SlateTechnical Committee on Privatization. 1999-2003; Kano forum; Ministerial Committee on the Implementation ofthe Cabotage Act 2003; dep. ch: Vessel Financing Found Sub-Committee; Ministerial Committee on Prioritized Action Plan for the Resuscitation and Rcvitaljzation ofthe Nigerian Railway Corporation; Board ofTrustees,CargoDefence Fund; Port consultative Council ofthe Nigerian PortsAuthority, 2002; comm.forthe resuscitationofthe lostglory ol" Kano State as Centre ofCommerce, 2001; Board Member: Funtua Cotton SeedCrushingCompany Limited, 1983-99; Finetex Limited. Kaduna. 1990-99; FJcbcji Oil and Allied Products Company Limited, 1990-99; Kano Kiln Limited. 1989-99; Board ofGovernors ofthe Pearl Award; National presd. Federation ofNigerianShippers Associations, since2003;presd: Kano/Jigawa StatesShippersAssociation. 1997-2003; ch/founder, Northern Shippers Consultative Forum, 1985-97; v-c!i./ch. Kano Zone Shareholders Association ofNigeria; Treasurer, KanoChamberof Commerce. Industry. Minesand Agriculture; UnionBankofNigeria PIc, Statutory Audit Committee; Conoil Nigeria PIc. Statutory Audit Committee; Forum lor African Development. London. Chartered Institute ol'Taxation of Nigeria; Certified Pension InstituteofNigeria; Instituteof Freight Forwarders; Institute ofManagement Consultants; Institute of Treasury Management; Instituteof Logistics and Transport,London;Boardof Directors,Achievers Communications Limited, since 2008; award: Honorary Fellowship Doctorate oftheInstitute by Instituteof Journalism and Management, Enugu inAffiliation with California Christian University and Interrelationship with World University of America: Recognition forContribution to Sports Development in Kano State by Kano State Radio Corporation; Institute of Export of Nigeria; Award for Excellence, Pathways Africa Coranium of Distinguished Industry Asset Builders inrecognition of noble andexemplary contributions toMaritime Business Development inNigeria; publ: Public PrivateSector Partnership.ObjectivesandFunctionsofShippersAssociations: International Commercial Terms: The Africa Growth andOpportunityAct-benefits and threats: Understanding the Charter Parly Agreement: Benefits offollowing the rules Inforce in Nigeria ond agreed international conventions and terms; Functions ofthe NigerianShippersCouncil; WTO-GATT World Trade Organization General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: Towards efficient International Trade: Shipping AfadeEasy: Relevance ofefficient multimodal transportnet\vorkandeconomicadvancement:GovernmentandPrivateSector Partnership: Protection ofNigerianBusinesses: InlanddryPons. Freight Stationsandbondedcontainerterminals: Efficient Management ofInland DryPortsandContainerFreightStations:sc: Danbatta YouthForum;hob: traveling, community development; off: 18.Zaria Road. Gyadi-Gyadi, P.O. Box4l66, Kano, tel: 064-310564. e-m: [email protected]; res/pha: 7.
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